Omega-3 may help treat type 1 diabetes April 07, 2017 Source: MNT Type 1 diabetes is an incurable autoimmune disease of unknown cause. However, new research may pave the way for new, more effective treatments for type 1 diabetes , as omega-3 fatty acids are found to reduce the typical autoimmune response of the disease . New research suggests, ω-3 supplements can treat and even reverse type 1 diabetes autoimmunity. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease affecting approximately 1.25 million adults and children in the United States. In type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system does not recognize its own beta cells, so it attacks and destroys them. Beta cells are responsible for the production of insulin. The body needs insulin to transport glucose into the cells where energy needs to be produced. In beta cells that do not produce insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood and the body cannot be used for energy. It is not known what causes type 1 diabetes, and there is currently no cure for this disease. The most common treatment is insulin, but the ultimate goal of the medical research community is to prevent the body's immune system from attacking its own beta cells, or to reverse the process. A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation investigated the benefits of adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diet of type 1 diabetic mice. Omega-3s are a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). They are commonly found in fish, seafood and some vegetable oils as well as Dietary Supplements. These fatty acids are important for the good function of several organs because these beneficial fats improve muscle activity, prevent blood clotting, help digestion, and aid cell division and growth. The health benefits of omega-3 have been studied in several studies. Some studies suggest, ω-3 to prevent cardiovascular events and rheumatoid arthritis, but other studies seems to have had an active role in these disputes. However, it is well known that omega-3 blocks the inflammatory process in the body. This led to the authors of the new study led by Allan Zhao of Guangdong University of Technology in Guangdong Province, China, that these fatty acids may be able to prevent or ameliorate the negative consequences of autoimmune diseases. Omega-3 can promote beta cell regeneration Zhao and the team used non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice who were fed a regular diet and a PUFA-rich diet. They also increased the level of omega-3 in these mice by genetic modification. The team tested the glucose tolerance and insulin tolerance of the mice every 3 months. The researchers also examined the infiltration of pancreatic islet pancreatic lymphocytes, a typical phenomenon of type 1 diabetes. In addition, the researchers collected blood from mice and measured their serum insulin levels. Studies have shown that the addition of omega-3 to the diet of NOD mice can significantly improve glucose metabolism and reduce the incidence of type 1 diabetes. The researchers point to a reduction in pro-inflammatory signaling proteins and a significant reduction in isletitis. That is, they noted that omega-3 reduced the levels of interferon gamma, interleukin 17, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha or TNF-alpha. In addition, Zhao and colleagues noted that there have been signs of beta cell regeneration in mice that have been treated with omega-3. Both nutritional supplementation and genetic therapy normalize blood glucose and insulin levels for at least 182 days, preventing autoimmunity, preventing lymphocytes from entering the pancreas and regenerating islets, and greatly increasing the level of beta cell markers. These results indicate that omega-3 PUFA can be used as a new treatment for type 1 diabetes. Mention the nutritional supplements of Omega-3s or increase the potential therapeutic effect of omega-3s by gene therapy . The authors conclude that "our observations may also provide clinical guidance, as those who manage early stage 1 diabetes or who maintain good blood glucose levels may benefit most from these interventions, if these treatments are safe Clearance in the assessment may also help treat other types of autoimmune diseases."
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