The pepper is simple to cultivate, strong in resistance, high in yield, and the cultivation area is increasing year by year. However, the hazards of pests and diseases have caused a large loss of yield, especially the pests are more serious. First, the small tiger 1. Hazard characteristics. The larvae bite off the stems of the pepper seedlings near the ground, causing the whole plant to die, causing serious damage and even destroying the seedlings. 2, prevention and treatment methods - trap and control. First, the black light traps the adult; the second is the sweet and sour liquid to trap the adult, 6 parts of sugar, 3 parts of vinegar, 1 part of white wine, 1 part of 90% trichlorfon and mix thoroughly, or add appropriate amount of pesticide with kimchi water, set in the adult stage. Have a trapping effect. The third is to pile up grass to trap the larvae. Before the pepper is planted, the tigers can choose to eat the gray vegetables, thorns, bitter vegetables, small convolvulus, alfalfa, artemisia, white peony, goose grass and other weeds. Collect tiger larvae, or manually catch them, or mix them with poison. Chemical control. The 3rd instar larvae of the larvae are poorly resistant and exposed to host plants or the ground, which is a suitable period for chemical control. 21% synergistic cyanide horse emulsifiable oil 8000 times solution, 2.5% deltamethrin or 20% fenvalerate 3000 times solution, 10% bromine horse emulsifiable concentrate 2000 times solution, 90% trichlorfon 800 times solution, 50 % phoxim 800 times liquid spray control. Second, tobacco budworm 1. Hazard characteristics. The larvae feed on flower buds and fruits, and also eat stems, leaves and buds. The fruit is caused by decay and a large number of fruit drop, which is the main reason for the reduction of production. In severe cases, the fruit rate is over 30%. 2, prevention and treatment methods - In the main production areas of the seed production, if the perennial tobacco worms are seriously endangered, the traps can be planted nearby to trap the overwintering adults and concentrate on spawning, which is easy to eliminate. - Remove the fruits that are foraged in time to prevent the larvae from turning to fruit. - Chemical control. In the first and middle of June, the first generation larvae were controlled, and the second and third generation larvae were controlled from mid-July to mid-August. In September and October, the prevention and control of the fourth and fifth generation larvae were determined according to the development of the insects and the damage. 90% crystal trichlorfon 800 times solution, 10% permethrin 3000 times solution, 25% cypermethrin 4000 times solution, 20% cypermethrin 3000 times solution or 2.5% enemy kill 4000~ 6000 times liquid spray. Third, the locust 1. Hazard characteristics. Attached to the foliage, it absorbs the nutrients of the leaves and is the main medium for infectious viruses. 2, prevention and treatment methods - Kill before mass breeding. - Chemical control: 40% fenvalerate 3000 times solution, 10% dry WP 2000 times solution, 40% Lego emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times solution can be sprayed. Fourth, red spider 1. Hazard characteristics. Red spiders suck the juice on the back of the leaves of the host with nymphs and adults. The damaged leaves are grayish white at first, and become rust brown when severe, causing early leaves, slow fruit development and dead plants. 2. Chemical control. The spraying of the red spider must be prevented early, that is, the early stage of the red spider spotting, immediately sprayed with a sprayer. The available medicinal agent is 73% gram emulsion 3,000 times solution, 20% synergistic 哒螨 spirit 2500 ~ 3000 times solution. Five, sassafras 1. Hazard characteristics. The shochu is very heterozygous and has a wide host. The back of the pepper is oily, the back is yellowish brown, the leaf edge is bent downward, the young stem turns yellowish brown, and the seriously damaged plants are short, arbuscular, falling flowers and falling, forming baldness. The tip, the stalk and the fruit tip turn yellowish brown, lose luster, and the fruit grows stagnant and hard. 2, prevention and treatment methods. Strengthen the field investigation, find the tea jaundice in the early flowering stage of the pepper, and spray it once every 10 to 14 days, three times in a row. The focus of the spray is on the upper leaves, especially on the back of young leaves, tender stems, flower organs and young fruit. The available medicaments are 57% gram of emulsifiable concentrate 800 times solution, 48% lesbian emulsifiable concentrate 1500 times solution, and 20% eucalyptus emulsifiable powder 1000 times solution. Six, Hummer 1. Hazard characteristics. It is harmful to the sprouts of peppers and affects the growth of peppers. Because of its large quantity, if it is not timely prevented, it will cause great losses. 2, prevention and treatment methods. Chemical control, available 25% quetiapine EC, 5% acephate emulsifiable concentrate, 75% dimethoate 1000 times solution, 2.5% deltamethrin 2000 times solution, 50% Bataan 2000 times solution, 20% good year Winter 2000 times liquid spray. Wheat Seed,Winter Wheat Seed,Wheat Varieties,Organic Wheat Seeds XIKE AGRICULTURAL GROUP CO . .LTD. ,