Five tips for preventing vegetables from falling into the cold

First, heat and cold. Pay attention to watching the weather forecast, and do a good job of preventing cold and warming early in the cooling period. Timely repair holes or cracks in the shed film and reinforce the shed film line. In the evening, insulation materials such as insulation or grasshoppers are covered on the shed to enhance the ability to keep warm and keep warm.

Second, dehumidification and light transmission. When the weather turns sunny, moderately uncovered, airy and light-transmitting, but uncovering can not be too fierce, otherwise sudden water loss of the plant will happen “flash seedlings”; timely removal of old leaves of vegetable plants, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, Reduce the consumption of nutrients; reduce the number of watering, it is best to use sprinkler irrigation, spray fertilizer and other water-saving measures.

Third, strengthen management. For vegetables that suffer from freezing injury or lighter damage, 0.2% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed 2 to 3 times, yellowing the color, and the plants that lack nitrogen can spray 0.2% urea solution. For newly planted seedlings, spray fertilizer concentration should not be too high, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to deep ditch, cover soil after application, and prevent ammonia volatilization causing injury.

Fourth, keep flowers and fruits. Low temperature will cause the fruit setting rate of fruits and vegetables such as tomato, eggplant, and zucchini to decrease. Plant regulators such as tomato spirit and rhein should be used for treatment. When using plant growth regulators, it is necessary to follow the instructions in combination with the weather conditions to grasp a reasonable concentration to prevent excessive concentrations, phytotoxicity and malformation.

Fifth, disease prevention and pest control. The low temperature and high humidity in the shed can cause the vegetables in the shed to be susceptible to gray mold, epidemics, blight, and aphid damage. Pest control should be combined with agricultural control and chemical control, to clean field and roadside weeds, eradicate overwintering pests, rationally fertilize water, pruning in time, remove old leaves, and spray chemical agents.

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