Woman 6 beauty beauty recipe recommended

This article reads: What to eat? What are the recipes for women's beauty care? Today Xiaobian recommend 6 beauty beauty recipes for you to make a woman beautiful!

1, tomatoes rose drink

Peeled tomatoes, seeds, cucumbers, fresh roses. They are crushed and filtered. Lemon juice and honey are added for daily drinking. Tomatoes, cucumbers contain glutathione and vitamin C, can promote skin metabolism, so that calm pigmentation, so that the delicate white skin.

2, chestnut stew cabbage

Chestnut 200 grams, cut into two in half shell, duck soup amount, chestnut ripe, plus 200 grams of cabbage and the amount of seasonings, can be cooked stew. Chestnut spleen and kidney, cabbage yin Runzao, regular food can improve the appearance of black and yellow caused by yin deficiency, and can eliminate dark spots and dark circles on the skin.

3, vinegar soaked beans

250 grams of fresh soybeans, soaked in vinegar for 15 days, take about 10 tablets of chewing daily to make the skin tender and lighter. Vinegar contains phospholipids and a variety of amino acids that promote skin cell metabolism, lower cholesterol, improve liver function, and delay aging.

4, banana milk paste

6 bananas, 250 grams of fresh milk, 200 grams of cereal, 100 grams of raisins, wok with slow fire, add a little honey seasoning, eat 100 grams sooner or later. Regular food can emollient and wrinkle.

5, bitter gourd fried carrot

Fresh bitter gourd 2, after slicing after simmering, take 7-8 carrots, cut into thin slices, transferred to salt, monosodium glutamate, onion, etc., rapid fire speculation, cooked food. Bitter gourd is rich in nutrition, especially bitter gourd is rich in vitamin C, and regular food can make the face become delicate. Carrots contain large amounts of vitamins A and C, which can make rough skin wrinkle and become radiant.

6, rabbit red dates soup

500 grams of rabbit meat, red dates 20-30 capsules, the same soup, add appropriate amount of oil, salt, seasoned, scored times to take, even serving a few agents. Rabbit meat has a role in Buzhongyiqi, rabbit meat is rich in protein, and vitamins, lecithin, is beneficial to the health and metabolism of the human skin and mucous membranes, it is called "beauty meat", eat it regularly can moisturize skin muscle, make the skin rosy.


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