Morphological characteristics Herbs perennial, up to 1m. The underground stems are long and slender, the stems on the ground stand upright, densely covered with white ones, or only one on each side. Basal leaves clustered, ovoid, coarsely toothed at margin, long petiole; stem leaves opposite, ovate or long ovate, 4–10 cm long, 2–5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, 1–2 For pinnate division, the base lobe is small; the upper part does not crack, the edges have coarse teeth, and both sides have coarse hairs and are nearly sessile. Cymose cone-shaped cymes, inflorescence branches and stems densely dense or only 2 series of coarse hair; calyx inconspicuous; corolla white, diameter 4 ~ 6mm. Achenes obovate, bases adnate to enlarged, winged, membranous bracts, and bracts are suborbicular. Flowering from May to June. SMS Surgical Gown,SMS Isolation Gown,SMS Non Woven Surgical Gown,Disposable SMS Surgical Gown ShaoXing SurgeCare Medical Products Co., Ltd. ,