Release date: 2014-04-01 Source: Kexun Medical Network
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Stephen Hawking's voice is probably the most recognizable sound in the world. But millions of people rely on computers to synthesize sound because of serious defects, and only a few sounds are available.
In order to allow the voiceless person to have their own distinctive voice, organizations now encourage people to donate their voices.
However, the Voice ID (VocaliD) project is still in its early stages and experts are improving the recording process. They want to use the web or mobile app to do this process so that people can record their own voices from around the world. The higher the quality of the recording, the more realistic the sound is.
To create a custom, personalized voice, VocaliD's experts select people with vocal flaws and then use the part of the donated sound to create and synthesize sounds of their own characteristics.
Experts match the donor and the person with the defect according to factors such as age, height and gender, so that the synthesized new sound can match the original voice of the user as much as possible.
According to the VocaliD project, there are about tens of millions of people around the world who need to rely on synthetic sound. But the sound of computer synthesis is too monotonous and lacks personality.
Everyone has their own characteristics because of the different anatomical structures. VocaliD hopes that through voice donations, those who have lost voices have more choices and can have their own voice.
2. In the usual form and method of ingestion.
3. Marked with a label biological adjustment functions.