Although there are many advantages in early spring brooding, high survival rate, high egg production rate, and low brooding costs, in early spring it is cold freezing and the temperature rises. The weather changes abruptly. The old saying “spring frozen bones†can cause poor chick management. The loss of death, so the management of the brooding room must seize the key and the key. The temperature and temperature are the first factors to stimulate the growth of chicks. The temperature is higher than room temperature within 1 day to 2 days, reaching about 35°C. Freshly hatched chickens have less villus and thin, thermoregulatory function is not perfect. sensitive. When the ambient temperature is low, people will scream loudly and get together. If the temperature is not adjusted properly, it will cause suffocation and death. When the temperature is appropriate, the chicks will automatically spread out and whisper for food. When the temperature is too high, the chicks will not seek food. Eat, look around and look big, breathe, speed up the heat. The optimum temperature is set according to the environmental conditions of your own brooding house, and the temperature is adjusted by looking at the dispersion of the chicks. The temperature should be 32°C from 3 days to 7 days, and the temperature difference between day and night should not exceed 2°C. Special attention was paid to the temperature difference between the upper and lower layers of the brooding cages, attention was paid to the adjustment of the density, and there were few upper layers, and it was easy to drop 2°C per week from the second week. The water content of the drinking chicks at birth is high, and they look chubby and have a high survival rate in time. After long-distance transportation and cold stimulation, it is easy to dehydrate and become smaller. When drinking for 48 hours, it will not be able to drink water. The volume will be significantly reduced and the survival rate will be low. After entering the house, clean cold water should be given promptly; Drink water such as salt water, and the body has a high moisture content after hatching, which has a significant impact on feed intake and subsequent development. Therefore, it is best to drink water within 48 hours after shelling. The water temperature is preferably about 30°C. On the one hand to supplement the water consumed in transport, on the one hand to promote the removal of meconium. In order to prevent chickens from contracting infectious diseases, there are many chicken farmers who feed water continuously for one week. Humidity Breeding Humidity and temperature are closely linked to each other, depend on each other, subject to the air circulation speed, the sink, excrement of feces and chicken breathing, the most appropriate humidity changes with the chick's age, newly emerged chicks High humidity is required. It should be around 75%. After one week, the chick's hair is basically removed. Feather grows and the humidity is not high. It is easy to control 60%~70%. Over-wetness will cause temperature drop, increase the cost of brooding, and also cause the proliferation of mold and coccidia. Ventilation should be adjusted in time to adjust the humidity. After the first feeding of the chicks, the energy metabolism is supplied by the yolk within 48 hours after hatching. Feeding should be started within 72 hours as soon as possible. As the age increases, the yolk absorption rate is fast, and the amount of gastrointestinal tract is constantly increasing. With the expansion, the appetite of chicks gradually increases, and the bulk material should be sprinkled on the back of the chicken in time to guide the chicks to learn to feed. After the 3rd day of age, the feed trough is fed, and the amount of feeding is appropriately increased. It is also late in development and has poor resistance to disease. Illumination in spring takes a long time, which promotes sexual maturity. Chicks are very sensitive to light. Looking out of the shell to find light is an instinct to survive. Especially when you turn off the lights, you can call them exceptionally loud. The time is 23 hours at 1 day, 22 hours at 2 days, 21 hours at 3 days, 18 hours at 4 days, 16 hours after 1 week, or until the temperature is too low. Excessive light will cause the metabolism of the pituitary of the chick , Digestion and absorption disorders, anal fistula occurred. Low light will make the chicks undeveloped and consume too much. Therefore, light should be supplied according to the procedure to avoid nutritional deficiencies and strange pathological phenomena occur. Ventilation and ventilation are closely related to temperature and harmful gases. Due to the long brooding time and high temperature, the fecal board can not be replaced in time, resulting in a large amount of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc., a long time is harmful to chickens, light Causes coughing, rapid breathing, mental fatigue, tearing of eyes, loss of appetite, and even death from poisoning. Ventilation of doors and windows should be opened at noon. Immunization and brooding Immunization is a cumbersome and necessary procedure. With the increase in the number of chickens, the spread of infectious diseases, and the immunization procedures for disease prevention and vaccination, we must continue to improve. Three-day to four-day-old lyophilized vaccine with kidney pass, eye drops, 7 days to 8 days of age with Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis H120 vaccine drinking water, drinking water from 10 days old to 12 days old vaccine, 15 The injection of E. coli multivalent vaccine at day-old and 21-day-old injections of polyvalent avian influenza vaccine were repeated once a week after 3 weeks to increase the level of antibody elevation. This will lay a foundation for improving the quality of brooding. There are good breeds of chickens, no good immunization programs, no good quality vaccines, no good environment, no good management, and infectious diseases such as bursa of Fabricius, Newcastle disease virus, E. coli, etc. The loss while brooding failed. With chicken disinfection, the climate in early spring gradually becomes warmer, and wind and rain are more prone to respiratory diseases. It is particularly necessary to disinfect chickens. Special attention should be paid to timing when operating. When the temperature is high, it should be performed at night. When the temperature is low, it should be performed at noon. The stimulant drugs, when the air is flying high and the humidity is low, choose 100 poisons or 1210 liquids, do 1:2000 diluted spray, do not let the dust drift, clean and clean.
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