Morphological characteristics of Andrographis paniculata

Morphological characteristics

Annual herb, high 50 ~ 100cm, the whole plant taste extremely bitter. Stems erect, much branched, quadrangular, nodes slightly dilated. Leaves opposite, ovate oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 2-11 cm long, 0.5-2.5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, entire or shallowly undulate, dark green above, grayish green below, lateral Pulses 3 to 4 pairs; petiole short or subsessile. Inflorescences terminal or axillary; calyx 5-parted, outer glandular hairy; corolla pale purple-white, lip-shaped, outer lip curved, 2-toothed, lower lip erect, 3-lobed, stamens 2, phallic larger and smaller , large beaked hair, filaments pilose on one side; ovary 2 rooms. The pods are oblong in shape and are about 1.5 cm long. They are flattened on both sides and have a longitudinal ditch in the center. Flowering from August to September and fruiting from October. Born in hot and humid plains and hills. The main production of Guangdong, Fujian. The Yangtze River is introduced and cultivated throughout the South and North.



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