Preparation of goose feed

Approximate consumption of various types of feed: 30 to 70% of seed and processing by-products thereof, 15 to 30% of tuber roots and their processing by-products (dry weight), 5 to 10% of animal crude protein, and 5 to 20 of plant crude protein %, green feed and grass powder 10% to 30%, calcium powder and salt, and depending on the specific needs of some additives.

Feed mix form:

1 Fine and coarse material mixing: The concentrate feed is processed into powder and mixed with minced green grass, green vegetables or multi-rooted rhizomes. The calcium powder and additives are generally mixed in the powder, and the sand can be used in another container. Home. Feeding geese with the latter two mixed forms of feed can easily lead to excessive or insufficient intake of certain nutrients.

2 powder mixing: the raw materials will be processed into dry powder and stir well, pressed into pellets to feed. This form not only saves time and labor, but also prevents goose picky eaters.

3 Mixing of powder and granules: that is, the glutinous grains in the diet are still granular, mixed together and fed several times a day. The mixed powder containing animal protein, calcium powder, salt, and additives is additionally supplemented.

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