Summer is the most likely to get angry, the weather is hot, and most people are accustomed to sleep at night, over-prosperity causes flushed eyes, sore throat. The most common problem is bad breath. How is bad breath in summer? Bad breath occurs throughout the year, but it is particularly prominent in summer. Patients with severe bad breath have a mouthful and the doctor can smell even with a thick mask. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many patients with bad breath in summer than in other seasons. Except for bad breath caused by physical diseases, it is mainly due to summer cold. According to experts, people like to eat cold foods such as sorbets and watermelons in the summer, which causes the human body's coldness to accumulate in the stomach. Instead, it causes stomach heat and causes a lot of odors in the stomach. If there are gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis and ulcers, bad breath will worsen. Experts also introduced that patients with gastrointestinal diseases should pay more attention to reducing the exposure to cold food, and in summer, they should eat more food such as red bean paste and porridge. At the same time, the summer diet should be light, eat more fruits and vegetables, and keep the stool open, it is also a major way to reduce bad breath. Tips for clearing bad breath: Coptis 5 grams, soaked with about 100 ml of boiling water, add 20 grams of sugar, stir evenly in early and late drink twice, you can get fresh breath. Diet therapy removes bad breath One, celery This herb helps to eliminate odors in the mouth, especially smoke. If you can't find parsley at hand, parsley and peppermint can also remove bad breath. In order to achieve better results, these things can be chewed for as long as possible, or used to make tea. In addition, these above-mentioned herbs are also good for digestion. Second, yogurt The latest research shows that insisting on drinking plain yoghurt every day can reduce the hydrogen sulfide content in the mouth, because this substance is the culprit of oral odor. Drinking yoghurt on time can also prevent the production of harmful bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria can cause gum disease or plaque. Third, cellulose-rich fruits and vegetables include apples, carrots and celery. These vegetables and fruits help to secrete large amounts of saliva. Saliva not only moistens the mouth but also removes food debris that adheres to the teeth or jams in the teeth. These food residues are also one of the causes of bad breath in the mouth. Foods rich in vitamin C Berry, citrus, watermelon, and other foods that contain large amounts of vitamin C can make the mouth form an environment that is not conducive to bacterial growth. Frequent intake of vitamin C is also very useful for the health of the gums. Vitamin C is taken from fresh vegetables and fruits.
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