The first comprehensive medical 3D printing project officially launched in Canada

Ottawa Hospital of Canada recently launched the country's first comprehensive medical 3D printing program for education, surgical planning, and research. The project has a dedicated laboratory, and although there is only one Stratasys Connex3 previously awarded to the hospital, more machines will be added in the future. By then, researchers can print a wider variety of materials, including metals, rubber, silica gel, and even human living cells.

“There is no doubt that this is an important development that will bring us closer to providing advanced medical services for the 21st century in the Eastern Ontario region,” said Jack Kitts, CEO and President of Ottawa Hospital. “At the same time, it has opened the way. More innovative research, but more importantly, it will greatly improve our patient service."

At present, this forward-looking project has achieved initial success. For its first participant, Dave Chasse, a 33-year-old man who lost four fingers in a car accident, is equipped with a suitable 3D printed prosthesis (pictured above). After a period of adaptation and training, Chasse has been able to make simple grips.

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