"Licking your feet" is a traditional Chinese health care method. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, many points are concentrated on the soles of the feet, and these parts are often massaged. This can effectively regulate the body's metabolism, promote endocrine balance, and achieve fitness. Such as "Yong Quan" point, as the name implies, for the body's vitality, to stimulate this point, Shandong Zibo ancient Chinese Institute of Dysfunctional Diseases can make people recover vitality, fitness and longevity. According to self-symptoms, find the appropriate site, and yourself or someone else to use licking, rubbing, pressing, pressing and other techniques to stimulate the corresponding points. The reflexes of patients in all parts of the body except the reflexive parts of the head organs are on the other side of the feet, and other parts are on the same side of the feet. Massage should pay attention to the following five points: Within one hour after a meal, no massage is allowed, and massage is continued on a part of the body, generally not exceeding 5 minutes. Finger massage to pay attention to trimming nails, with other tools to stimulate, should be smooth without thorns, to avoid damage to the skin, such as pain when the massage, dry mouth and other feelings of tiredness (arthritis patients more obvious), are normal. Within 30 minutes after massage, drink warm water above 50°C. In patients with heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, and epilepsy, the massage time generally does not exceed 10 minutes. After massage, due to the expansion of the capillaries and a slight increase in body temperature, it is forbidden to wash them with cold water or with a cold towel. Human Ultrasound Scanner,Color Doppler Machine,Doppler Ultrasound Scanner,Notebook Color Doppler Scanner Mianyang United Ultrasound Electronics Co., Ltd , https://www.uniultrasonic.com