Concord Hospital: Nearly 40% of allergenic drugs are actually Chinese medicine

Concord Hospital: Nearly 40% of allergenic drugs are actually Chinese medicine

September 20, 2016 Source: Beijing Daily

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What are the causes of anaphylactic shock in Chinese? The reporter learned from Peking Union Medical College Hospital that a few days ago, the hospital’s first study on the cause of anaphylactic shock in China showed that the cause of hypersensitivity was food, with wheat being the majority. In the case of drug sensitization, traditional Chinese medicine injections ranked first, accounting for nearly 40%.

Peach in fruit is the most susceptible to allergies

During the 15 years from 2000 to 2014, Peking Union Medical College Hospital received more than 1,000 patients with anaphylactic shock across the country. As a national allergic disease diagnosis and treatment center, the hospital released the first cause of allergic shock in China and the distribution characteristics of different age groups in the world through the study of 1,952 shock episodes in 907 patients. The study of the causes of anaphylactic shock has eliminated the "China gap."

Overall, food accounted for 77% of the causes of anaphylactic shock. Among them, wheat is the culprit, accounting for 37% of the total incentives; fruit/vegetables rank second, accounting for 20%; followed by beans/peanuts accounting for 7% and nuts/seeds accounting for 5%. According to experts, the most common fruit that causes anaphylactic shock is peach. The most common sensitizing nut is cashew. From the severity of the disease, wheat induced a 57% severe allergic reaction, while fruits/vegetables tended to be mild to moderate allergic reactions.

Food-induced anaphylactic shock often incorporates pollen allergy, and argus pollen-food syndrome is most common. In the severe allergic reactions caused by seasoning, fruits/vegetables, beans/peanuts, and nuts/seeds, the proportions of wormwood allergy were 75%, 67%, 61%, and 51%, respectively. 71% of patients with severe allergic reactions induced by peaches are allergic to artemisia pollen. In addition, the study also reported Chinese-specific foods and rare food spectrums that induce anaphylactic shock, such as chrysanthemum tea, bullfrogs, wild vegetables, silkworm cocoons, mites, and locusts.

Wheat products "gluten" is the main cause of allergies

In recent years, the incidence of food-induced anaphylactic shock has increased year by year, causing global concern. It is understood that the most common causes of anaphylactic shock in Europe and America are nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish. The first cause of the United States is peanuts, Japan and South Korea are buckwheat and wheat, and Singapore is bird's nest.

Yin Jia, director of the Department of Allergy of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said that the incidence of severe allergic reactions in adults is significantly higher than that of children. 68% of all severe allergic reactions occur between the ages of 18 and 50, and the primary causes of anaphylactic shock vary from age to age. 62% of infants aged 0 to 3 years are sensitized by milk, and 59% of children aged 4 to 9 are sensitized by fruits/vegetables. In the adolescents and adults after the age of 10, the incidence of anaphylactic shock in wheat jumped to the top, and the proportion increased with age. For example, anaphylactic shock among adolescents aged 10 to 17 is 20% induced by wheat, and 42% of those aged 18 to 50 are raised to 42%.

Experts speculate that the lack of “gluten-free” wheat products in China and the genetic susceptibility of Chinese people are the reasons for the high proportion of anaphylactic shock induced by Chinese wheat. In real life, gluten is mainly found in wheat, barley and oat flour, which is very sensitive to gluten allergy patients.

Drug sensitization Chinese medicine injection tops

In addition to food, drugs are also an important cause of anaphylactic shock in Chinese, accounting for 7%.

Among the sensitizing drugs, Chinese medicine ranked first, accounting for 37%. Qingkailing injection, Shuanghuanglian injection, and Houttuynia injection are the most common; the second place is antibiotics, accounting for 24%, mainly penicillin; the third place is antipyretic and analgesic Drugs accounted for 16%.

The reporter learned that the injection can be directly injected into the tissues, blood vessels or organs of the human body, and the absorption is fast and the effect is rapid. In particular, intravenous injection, the drug directly into the blood circulation, the incidence of allergic reactions is higher than oral, topical and other methods.

Yin Jia reminded that although drug-induced anaphylactic shock is a "minority", as the prevalence of hypertension in Chinese has increased year by year, aspirin has been proven to have a significant effect on prevention of stroke, senile dementia, anti-aging, etc. It is expected that More people are taking aspirin prophylactically. Once the patient is diagnosed with a severe allergic reaction induced by wheat, aspirin and antipyretic analgesics are forbidden; if you need to take aspirin or antipyretic analgesic because of your condition, then wheat must be banned.

In addition, exercise is also an "accomplice" to induce anaphylactic shock. Studies have shown that 39% of anaphylactic shock occurs during exercise. Among them, food-dependent exercise induced severe allergies accounted for 87%. For example, some patients with "wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylactic shock" can avoid shock if they do not exercise after eating noodles. Once exercise, it can cause shock attacks.

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