The United States may allow the use of animal fertilized eggs to make human organs

Release date: 2016-08-09

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released the latest draft guidelines on August 4, 2016, indicating that the United States may allow experiments to produce human internal organs in animals by manipulating animal fertilized eggs.

NIH stopped supporting the relevant experiments in September last year and conducted a series of discussions including ethical issues. NIH said it will consult the general public before September 4, 2016, and make a final decision based on this.

Experiments in the production of human internal organs or other tissues in animals by implanting human cells into fertilized eggs of animals are important for ensuring the number of organs for transplantation and toxicity experiments using artificial organs. The NIH will set up an internal committee to conduct a review of the appropriateness of the study and decide whether it will support the conduct of the relevant experiments.

NIH emphasizes that the production of human sperm and eggs in animals and the implantation of human cells into fertilized eggs of primates similar to humans is prohibited.

Source: Technology World Network

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