Different from absorbing the medicine through intestine, with Infusion and Injection ,medicine is more quickly integrated into the blood stream, thus allowing it to work faster and more focused. Injections and infusions are strictly carried out with disposable products, so as to avoid cross contamination and prevent infectious transfers. The application of injections can take place in a variety of manners. However, most involve subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous methods.
In the Infusions/Injections category, Yingmed offers you everything you need for injection and infusion procedures: Syringe , Cannula, Disposable Infusion set, Infusion Stand.
In order to avoid infection,some disinfection products must be used before or after puncture, such as Cotton swab,Povidone-idoine swabstick , Cotton ball, Alcohol pre pad, Povidone-idoine prep pad , Non-woven surgical tapes, Infusion plaster, IV cannula dressing, Alcohol prep pad and ect. You will find these items in the category of Yingmed Wound Dressing.
Or, you can directly contact with Yingmed customer service for the details.
Sterile Insulin Injector,Single-Use Insulin Syringe,Infusion Set Medical,Parts Of Infusion Set,Disposable Syringe,IV Cannula With Injection Port,Infusion Set NINGBO YINGMED MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD , https://www.chinayingmed.com
Park. Reasonable garden closure can effectively reduce the orchard's overwintering base in the orchard. Deciduous fruit trees can be removed after pruning in winter orchard with dead branches, diseased leaves, stamens, leaves, etc.; scrape off branches and spots, protect wounds with 402 antibacterial agent 50 times; crown spray 95% oil emulsion 50 times or 45% crystal lime sulfur 30-50 times liquid closure garden. Evergreen fruit trees (citrus, etc.) can be sprayed with 95% oil emulsion 100-150 times liquid or 45% crystal lime sulfur 200-300 times. However, it should be noted that lime sulfur and oil emulsion cannot be applied at the same time, and the two should be separated by 20 days, otherwise it is easy to produce phytotoxicity.
Reasonable filling. In the orchard that lacks strains, it is necessary to make up for shortages in time. The deciduous fruit trees will be replanted before the Spring Festival and the evergreen trees will be replanted approximately two months after the Spring Festival.
Cotton Swab
Infusion plaster
IV cannula dressing
Non woven surgical tape
Orchard winter tube loose
Most fruit trees enter dormancy during the winter, but the interior of the tree is still active. Therefore, winter orchards still need to be managed. prune. Peach, pear, grape and other deciduous fruit trees should be trimmed in time, usually before the Spring Festival. Mainly take short cuts, thinning, sparse buds and other measures. Young trees should also do a branching operation and prune them through the winter to cultivate a reasonably high yield tree.