The Anti Rabies Vaccine For Human vaccine can prevent rabies. Rabies is a serious illness caused by a virus. The rabies virus is spread to humans through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. Dogs, bats, skunks, coyotes, raccoons, and foxes are examples of animals that can carry rabies. The rabies vaccine can protect you from infection if you are at high risk of exposure. The vaccine can also prevent infection after you are bitten by an infected animal. Anti Rabies Vaccine For Human,Rabies Vaccine Dose,Human Freeze Anti Rabies Vaccine,Rabies Vaccine Vero Cell For Human Changchun Zhuoyi Biological Co., Ltd ,
Shed disease control method in greenhouse
In addition to strictly controlling the temperature and humidity watering topdressing and improving the disease resistance of the plants, the prevention and control of the diseases of the summer cucurbit squash must also grasp the symptoms of various diseases and timely adopt chemical control. Viral disease: Zucchini virus disease, also known as mosaic disease, has been reported in all stages of growth of zucchini. Damaged during seedling period, cotyledons yellow and withered, and dark green and white mosaic leaves appear in true leaves. When the whole plant was onset, the yellow leaves of the new leaves appeared in mosaic leaves, and the leaves were small and rolled. The leaves were uneven and became brittle. The victim suffers from malformed fruit and the surface is uneven. The main carrier of the disease is the locust, so the prevention and control of the disease must first prevent worms. Control methods: spraying insecticides such as imidacloprid to control aphids after planting, especially to eliminate aphids on overwintering spinach and celery to reduce the source of virus infection. Downy Mildew: Downy mildew is a disease that occurs frequently in melon crops and causes serious damage. It often develops on the leaves. The bacteria spread through air currents, rain, and insects, and invade the leaves from stomata or directly through the epidermis. At an average daily temperature of 20°C to 25°C, there are droplets of water that can germinate and invade within 6 to 12 hours, and can develop in 3 days. Control methods: The selection of disease-resistant varieties, and through cultivation measures to increase temperature, reduce humidity, control the disease. Conservation cultivation, the initial use of chlorothalonil aerosol smoked, with 45% per acre chlorothalonil aerosol 200-250 grams. Chemical control can be used to spray phosphorus and aluminum, 25% thioredoxin (metalaxyl) spray, spray 7-10 days. Botrytis cinerea: Botrytis cinerea invades from the flowers that have lost its bloom, causing the flowers and umbilicals to rot, and the surface of the diseased department is covered with white frost. The large melon suffers, the organization becomes yellow and becomes pale gray after producing frost, and the heavy person rots off. The suitable temperature for the development of this bacterium is 23°C, the lowest 2°C and the highest 31°C. Rainy days in spring; when the temperature is low and humidity is high, the onset is heavy. Control methods: to strengthen management, indoor regular ventilation and humidity, timely removal of diseased mosaic fruit, and can be used on behalf of Sen Zinc, carbendazim and other spraying. 7-10 days, 3 to 4 consecutive times. Powdery mildew: This disease mainly causes damage to the leaves. At the beginning of the disease, white moldy spots appear on the front and back of the leaves. The positive side of the leaves is more, and then gradually expands into irregular moldy spots. Later, the white powder gradually turned gray, and the leaves turned yellow and dry. The germs are mainly transmitted by airflow, and the temperature is easy to be affected when the temperature is between 16°C and 24°C. Control methods: In the early stage of the disease, spray 600-800 times of tortoise or 1500 times of triadimefon, 600-800 times of bacteriocin and other agents, and spray it once every 5-7 days.