The soot purifier often has a little temper during the operation process - there is a fault and a strike. One of the common faults in the lampblack purifier is that the purifying power supply works normally and the soot purifier does not respond. The purifying power supply works normally and the soot purifier What is the reason for no response? Here, the Beijing lampblack purifier manufacturer Xiaobian is here for you. 1. The cylinder in the electric field is in contact with the pole and the pole is required to be calibrated; 2. If the insulator or insulating porcelain of the electric field is damaged or broken, it is necessary to replace the insulating parts; 3. The electrode thimble is not in contact with the electric field. The contact point needs to be adjusted at this time; 4. The voltage should be too small to adjust the voltage. Fresh Double Packed Sweet Corn
Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. was establishe in 2012, is a diversified company based on corn food's research and development, production, and sales. Through several years' rapid development and innovation, Nongsao gradually became a modern company of certain scale.
Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. is located in Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, one of the three golden corn belts in the world. The corn belt in Jilin Province is well suited for corn growing conditions, and more than 60% of the arable land is suitable for corn growing, so the total corn production and commercial grain rate in Jilin Province has been the first in China. Jilin Province is the main corn producing region in China and the main grain exporting province of the country.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly. Welcome to visit our factory, if you have any questions, please email us directly.
Local Sweet Corn,Sweet Corn For Diet,Sweet Maize Cob,Packed Sweet Corn Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,
Unlike other regions, Jilin has a cold-temperate humid and semi-humid climate. The frost-free period is short throughout the year, about 130-170 days, and the annual precipitation reaches 400-800. July-September is the peak period of precipitation, which is more suitable.