Electric field to make low-fat chocolate

Chocolate is one of the most popular foods in the world, but it is not a healthy food because it contains 40% to 60% of fat. Chocolate is made up of cocoa, sugar, milk solids and other particles suspended in liquid fat such as cocoa butter. Using less cocoa butter to reduce fat by 36% increases the viscosity of the liquid and blocks the production line. . As a result, most attempts by manufacturers to make low-fat chocolate have failed.

Recently, Rongjia Tao and colleagues at Temple University in the United States have found a way to help chocolate manufacturers produce low-fat chocolate. Relevant results were published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In the new study, the researchers found that applying an electric field along the flow of liquid chocolate would solve the above problem.

Known as electrorheological technology, solid cocoa particles can be aggregated into short-chain and oblate spheroids in a streamlined manner. Since the shape of the particles affects the inherent viscosity of liquid chocolate, the authors speculate that this electric field-induced aggregation may destroy the rotational symmetry of these particles, while reducing the viscosity and minimizing the melting of fat required for normal texture and flow in the pipeline. Quantity.

The researchers said that applying an electric field of 1600 V/cm would reduce the viscosity of a Mars chocolate sample by 43.5% and the fat content by more than 10%. Moreover, the low-fat chocolate made by this method is still delicious, and even the testers said it is better than the standard chocolate.

In addition, the research team obtained similar results in samples from other manufacturers, suggesting that the method has broad applicability. The authors point out that with further improvements, such as optimizing the intensity and duration of this electric field, this approach may help to pave the way for a long-held path to making low-fat chocolate.

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