Do you sleep too much or too little? Large-scale research on the relationship between sleep and metabolism

The British "Nature" magazine "BMC Public Health" recently published the largest study on the relationship between sleep and metabolic syndrome. Analysis of 133,608 subjects aged between 40 and 69 years showed that people who sleep less than 6 hours or more than 10 hours a day are more likely to suffer from various metabolic syndromes.

Researchers at Seoul National University School of Medicine in South Korea found that people who sleep less than 6 hours a day have greater waist circumference than men who sleep 6 to 7 hours a day, and that men also have a higher chance of developing metabolic syndrome. Among men who sleep more than 10 hours a day, men are more likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome and have higher triglycerides. Women are more likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome and have greater waist circumference, higher triglyceride levels, and higher blood sugar levels. And "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) levels are low. Among the study subjects, nearly 11% of men and 13% of women had less than 6 hours of sleep per day. 1.5% of men and 1.7% of women had more than 10 hours of sleep per day.

The researchers said that this time, based on the previous research, the sample size was further expanded, and the law that could not be found in the past was discovered. The relationship between sleep time and metabolic syndrome may have a gender difference: in women, excessively long sleep and metabolic syndrome show a correlation, while in men, shorter sleep and metabolic syndrome show a correlation .

Based on a common definition, participants are considered to have metabolic syndrome if they meet at least 3 of the following criteria: large waist circumference, elevated triglyceride levels, decreased “good” cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and fasting glucose excursions high. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in men and women was slightly higher than 29% and 24.5%, respectively.

The data used by the team comes from a study called HEXA. It is a large-scale study conducted by the community in Korea from 2004 to 2013. The data collected in the study included sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, drug use, family history, and life. Ways, diet, exercise, and women's fertility related indicators. Participants were required to collect plasma, serum, buffy coat, blood cells, genomic DNA, and urine samples and to undergo medical examinations performed by medical experts.

Although the biological mechanisms behind the association between sleep time and metabolic syndrome are not yet known, scientists have found several physiological processes that may affect this. For example, people who sleep less than 7 hours a day will secrete more hormones that promote appetite and calorie intake or reduce energy expenditure.

The researchers said that given the current high incidence of metabolic syndrome, it is important to find the factors that can reduce the risk.

Editor's Editor

Sleep problems cause health problems and people experience more in their daily lives. For example, lack of sleep for a few days will reduce the immune system, and it may cause dizziness, headache, and cold. Long-term sleep irregularities will bring more profound health problems. However, the relationship between sleep and health should not only stop at the life experience. Given the acceleration of the pace of life in modern society and the prevalence of sleep problems, researchers can increase their research on related topics to help people establish a scientific "sleep concept."

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