Small tail sheep lambs should be carefully guarded

To ensure that the ewes have good body condition, the ewes will lose a lot of water, so the ewe should be supplemented by water supply 1-1.5 hours postpartum. The first time the ewes drink after birth should be controlled within 1-15 liters, and the water temperature is 12-15°C. In order to avoid mastitis in ewes, one or two days after delivery, only high quality hay and root feeds can be fed to the females. From the third day after birth, concentrates, succulent feeds, and silages are gradually fed. Timely feeding of the colostrum The colostrum contains more nutrients than regular milk, and is rich in antibodies. It is essential for the enhancement of the body of the lamb and its resistance to diseases, and the timely discharge of meconium. Feeding or artificial nursing for multiple lambs, lambs, can be used on behalf of feeding, feeding or artificial breastfeeding. Since the Tail Han sheep has a strong sense of smell and a strong refusal to teach, it is necessary to apply the ewes' fetal liquid or goat's milk to over-feeding lambs when they are passed, making it difficult to identify. It is also necessary to try to make the newborn lamb eat colostrum first. If fresh milk is used to feed the missing lambs, the milk must be warmed and sterilized, and the temperature, mass, timing, and quality must be determined. Generally, the milk temperature is maintained at 38-39°C. In order to increase breastfeeding efficiency, breastfeeding can be used. When breast-feeding with a bottle, the angle of feeding should not exceed 30 degrees, let the lamb eat, do not hard-fill, to prevent sucking milk, depending on the age of the lamb and its size. Careful care, but not pampered by appropriate exercise, can enhance the body of the lamb and improve its resistance to disease. One week after the lamb is born, it should be allowed to follow the ewes to eat young leaves and feed. The feed should be replenished from the age of 10-14 days and the feed requirements are diversified. Lambs eat early to increase appetite and reduce breast milk supply. Since eating and exercise help promote the development of the heart, lungs, and digestive organs of lambs, lambs should be trained early to eat feed.

The Diode Laser (800nm or 810 nm wavelength)

In my opinion, the Diode laser is the next most useful Hair Removal light source and the most promising laser for hair removal.

These Diode systems deliver a longer wavelength than the Ruby (694 nm wavelength) and the Alexandrite (755 nm wavelength) lasers, but a shorter wavelength than the Nd: Yag (1064 nm wavelength) laser. This longer wavelength enables the light to penetrate deeper and is theoretically safer than shorter wavelength lasers because it can better avoid the melanin pigment in the skin's epidermis. The Diode laser's longer wavelength of light thereby penetrates into the hair follicle without causing as much epidermal injury as the Ruby or the Alexandrite. This fact allows the Diode laser to be used on darker skin colors than the Ruby or Alexandrite.

Because the Diode is the most recently introduced of the hair removal lasers, there is less experience and less long-term data in evaluating the Diode's claims. Newer Diode lasers such as the SLP 1000 are attempting to deliver longer durations of light (up to 1000 milliseconds) in order to protect the epidermal pigment thereby producing fewer side effects while producing better hair removal. There is just not enough experience with these newer machines, which have only been on the market since early 2001 (after having been re-modified)! These longer durations are designed to emulate the longer durations available for five years with the UltimateTM Light treatments. Surprisingly, the pulse durations on the Quantum, Aculight, or Vasculight systems have been made shorter, while lasers try to lengthen their durations to catch up with the UltimateTM Light pulsed light.

The 800 nm Diode at this time is probably capable of treating skin types 1, 2, 3; possibly 4, 5; and maybe 6. I would personally wait for more information and experience before recommending this machine. In my opinion, the Ultimate Lightâ„¢ pulsed light is the best overall machine for treating all six skin types based on safety and long term use (over nine years). However, for effective short-term treatment of skin types 1 to 4, I believe that the 808 nm Diode is satisfactory.

808nm Diode Laser

Lightsheer Diode Laser for Hair Removal, Professional 808Nm Hair Removal Diode Laser Machine, All Skin Types Depilation Diode Laser, 3 In 1 E-light IPL Rf Wrinkle Removal Machine

Zhejiang Lasy Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. ,