The key to dairy farming for 100 days

The feeding stage of dairy cows can be divided into four stages according to their different physiological conditions, namely, the early stage of lactation (70 days after the delivery of dairy cows), the middle stage of lactation (71 to 140 days after the delivery of dairy cows), the late stage of lactation (141 to 305 days after the delivery of dairy cows) and the dry period. During the milk period (306 to 365 days after the delivery of dairy cows), the 30 days before the cow (ie, the second dry dairy month) and the 70 days after the delivery (early lactation) are the most critical 100 days for feeding and management. During this period, dairy cows undergo physiological processes such as breast-feeding, childbirth, breast-feeding, high-lactation milk, and initial mating, as well as corresponding stress responses. There are several issues that need to be addressed in production: Strengthening perinatal disease control Ketoacidosis Keokenia is a metabolic disorder that occurs most frequently in dairy cows and can cause metabolic disorders in the body. The most appropriate feeding principle for preventing the occurrence of ketosis in cows is to determine the energy level of the feed according to its body condition so that it is neither fat nor thin. A total of about 3 kg of dietary concentrate feed is produced for every 1 kilogram of milk produced by the cows. In addition, the crude protein content of the diet should also be moderate, up to 16%. 2. Postpartum spastic hypocalcemia is the main cause of postpartum spasticity in dairy cows. Starting from 30 days before cows' daily pre-natal feeding, no less than 20 grams of calcium is supplemented daily, and the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is controlled at 2:1, which can effectively prevent postpartum delirium in dairy cows. 3. No less than the placenta does not occur after childbirth and genital infections occur in malnourished cattle, mainly due to lack of calcium in the body of cows, vitamin E and selenium, postpartum uterine contractility and placenta inflamed and so on. Therefore, in order to prevent the postpartum placental clothing of the dairy cow from falling, the compound feed of the pregnant cow should have enough vitamins and minerals, and at the same time ensure proper exercise during the later period of pregnancy. 4. Postpartum paraplegia in the process of dystocia caused by oversized fetuses and malpositioning of fetuses, contusion of the sciatic nerve or obturator nerves often causes postpartum paraplegia in dairy cows, which results in loss of feeding value for dairy cows and should be given high priority in production. 5. Abomasum shifts the stress of delivery and reduces the serum calcium concentration and muscle tension of dairy cows, which causes the dislocation of the cow's abomasum. It has been reported that postpartum warts are also the cause of abomasum shifts in dairy cows and can increase the incidence by 4.8 times. In addition, gravidosis caused by cows with metritis and mastitis can also cause abomasum shift. Lowering the daily feed of concentrated dairy cows to 4 to 5 kilograms can significantly reduce the incidence of this disease. Ensure the reasonable supply of nutrients The crude feed used by dairy cows in China for 30 days before delivery contains 5% to 8% of crude protein and 3.8 to 4.2 MJ/kg of net milk production. Under these conditions, the concentrate formulas for the late dry milk of cows weighing 600-650 kg and 500-550 kg were 52% and 44% for corn, 34% and 38% for soybean cake, 13% and 17% for bran, and salt respectively. Both were 1%; the dietary composition of the two was 3 kg of concentrated feed, 3 to 3.5 kg of hay and 2.5 to 3 kg of corn, and 18 kg of corn silage and 17 kg of corn silage. Above each kg of compound feed should also be added 83 mg of copper sulfate, 570 mg of manganese sulfate, 571 mg of zinc sulfate, 6.1 mg of cobalt chloride, 2.6 mg of calcium iodate, and 2.6 mg of sodium selenite. Each kg of dry matter should also be added. Add vitamin A1600 international unit, vitamin D4000 international unit, vitamin E70 international unit, and ensure that every day cows eat no less than 20 grams of calcium to prevent postpartum spasms. In order to prevent the abomasum from shifting, the hay in the diet is preferably 2 to 3 cm long. Many experiments at home and abroad show that the total nutritional level of dry dairy cows' diets, such as adding 3 to 5 kilograms of standard milk at the maintenance level, can maintain an average daily gain of 0.35 to 0.5 for dry cows during the dry period. Kilograms have obvious effects on improving the milk yield of the next fetus and preventing metabolic diseases such as ketosis, obesity syndrome, digestive dysfunction, dislocation of abomasum, and parakeratosis of the rumen. 2. The cow's concentrate feed formula at this stage of 70 days post-dairy cows may be 45% corn, cooked soybean cake (19% corn, corn high protein 18%, bran 10%, fish meal (or yeast feed) 5%, bone meal 1.7%, calcium carbonate 0.4%, salt 0.8%, trace element and vitamin additive 0.1%, lactating cattle 0 to 30 days after childbirth should consume 6.5 kg of concentrated feed, 8 kg of beer broth, 15 kg of corn silage, and 4.5 kg of hay per day; For each cow with 31 to 70 days postpartum, 10 kg of concentrated feed, 12 kg of brewers' grains, 15 kg of corn silage, and 4.5 kg of hay should be eaten per head per day.The ratio of the above-mentioned two-stage concentrate to roughage (calculated on a dry matter basis) At about 55:45 and 60:40, respectively, when the diet of the lactating cow is too much concentrated feed, and the crude fiber only accounts for 13% to 14%, in order to maintain the rumen's digestive function and the normal pH of the contents of the cow, prevent the pre-stomach relaxation. With reduced milk fat content, magnesium oxide and sodium bicarbonate should be added to their diets (these substances have a buffering effect on the acidity of the rumen content, which is called a buffer). The amount of sodium bicarbonate added is 1 for concentrate feed. %~1.5%, the amount of magnesium oxide added is fine feed 0.5%~0.8% 3. The two feeding methods in the early lactation of dairy cows 1 Traditional feeding method After the cows give birth, they should let them freely feed high-quality hay, and try to avoid feeding too much corn silage. To observe the eating situation of dairy cows on that day, if all the concentrate feeds are consumed, the amount of roughage eaten by dairy cows will be greater. At the same time, the spirits, defecation and rumination of dairy cows will be normal, and the milk production will also increase slightly. Each day, 0.5 to 1 kg of concentrate feed is fed, and if the intake of the roughage is small, the feeding speed is too slow, the appetite is significantly decreased and there is leftover material, the feed can not be added. The concentrated feed of dairy cows should be fed 3 times a day. Generally, the amount of each feed should not exceed 3 kg, and should be mixed with the roughage before feeding.In order to facilitate the production, milk production should be measured every 3 days and the milk fat percentage should be measured every 10 days. (Fully-mixed diet) Feeding method: First calculate the nutrient content required by dairy cows based on milk production, milk fat percentage, body weight and weight loss at the early lactation stage, and then calculate the corresponding dietary nutrient levels and feeds to be prepared. Total amount, determine feed Square, then mix the shorter roughage and concentrate feed, dregs feed, buffers, minerals, vitamins and other additives for the cattle to eat freely. This will not generally lead to digestive dysfunction, ruminal acidosis in dairy cows. Problems such as eating, eating, etc. At the same time, the nutritional balance of the diet, the intake of dairy cows increased, and their milk production rapidly increased.

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