African Horse
African Swine
Aino Disease
Amblyomma hebraeum
American Cattle
Boophilus annulatus
Aujeszky`s Disease
Avian Influenza
See: Cat Scratch Disease
Blue Eye Disease
Bovine Babesiosis
Bovine Ephemeral
Bovine Spongiform
Brown Ear Tick
See: Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
Brucella abortus
Brucella canis
Brucella ovis
Brucella suis
(Marine Mammals)
Canine Influenza
Caprine Arthritis
and Encephalitis
Castor Bean Tick
See: Ixodes ricinus
Cat Scratch
Cattle Fever
See: Bovine Babesiosis
Chronic Wasting
Classical Swine
Coggins Disease
See: Equine Infectious Anemia
Contagious Bovine
Contagious Caprine
Contagious Ecthyma
Contagious Equine
See: Q Fever
Hemorrhagic Fever
See: Taenia
Duck Virus
Duck Virus
Eastern Equine
Ebola Virus
Egg Drop Syndrome
Hematopoietic Necrosis
Hemorrhagic Disease
Epsilon Toxin of
Clostridium perfringens
Equine Babesiosis
See: Equine Piroplasmosis
Equine Encephalitides
Equine Infectious
Equine Viral
Escherichia coli
Exotic Ticks
See: Ticks (Exotic)
Ivermectin Injection,Veterinary Injection,Veterinary Products,Veterinary Tablet NOUVASANT PHARMhealth LTD. , http://www.nouvasant.com
How to improve the utilization efficiency of poultry diets
The cooperation of poultry's full-price diets aims to increase the utilization rate of feed, and there are many factors that affect its utilization. These include: formulating reasonable feeding standards; rationally matching feed ingredients and opening up unconventional resources; balancing nutrients to make nutrients The coordination between the ratio; by adding trace substances to improve the digestion and utilization of nutrients and so on. First, the development of a reasonable nutrition standards for a variety of specific animal species required a variety of nutrients is the standard for feeding, feeding standards, that is, animal husbandry guidelines. It can make animal feeders know what to do and not blindly raise them. It can not only fully satisfy the nutritional needs of animals but also can rationally use feed ingredients. However, it is a widely universal guiding principle. It is impossible to consider all the influencing factors in the formulation process. Therefore, Japan has revised the standards for poultry raising and put forward nutrition standards that are more in line with the growth needs of chickens. (1) In the calculation of the energy requirement, the original weight and egg production rate have now become the three factors of weight, egg production and environment. In this way, changes in energy demand can be grasped with changes in the ambient temperature, and in particular it is possible to presume feed intake in winter and summer seasons. However, within the scope of practical application, it is necessary to modify the content of other nutrients when consciously changing the energy content of feed (because the feed intake changes with the change of energy content); (2) Protein and amino acid requirements can be calculated from the calculation of energy-to-energy ratio (3) The required amount of calcium during the egg production period should reach 3%--4%, due to the factors such as the egg production rate, egg weight, and calcium utilization rate for the daily calcium requirement of each chicken during the egg production period. Impact, so use the calculation of the standard requirements to fully estimate the safety factor; (4) phosphorus to meet the total phosphorus requirement. (Original statement is that all phosphorus derived from animals and minerals is used as non-phytate phosphorus, and plant-based feed ingredients treat 30% of total phosphorus content as non-phytate phosphorus. Animals can only use non-phytate phosphorus but phytic acid. The use of enzymes allows non-phytate phosphorus to be utilized.) (5) Trace elements change the amount of iron in chicks and copper in growing chickens, and iron, zinc, and iodine need to be changed during the laying period; ( 6) Vitamins increase the amount of choline and B6 needed. Formulated feed formulated in accordance with this standard is more in line with the growing needs of chickens, which promotes maximum production performance. Second, a reasonable mix of feed ingredients, open up unconventional feed resources Energy feed and protein feed is the main raw material for compound feed, energy feed is a relatively fixed corn, generally not much research. Properly matching feed ingredients mainly refers to opening up unconventional protein feed resources, which has important practical value for reducing feed costs, increasing nutrient utilization, increasing breeding efficiency, and maintaining product market competitiveness. When selecting a protein feed, it is necessary to grasp the biological titer (utilization rate), nutritional characteristics, and economic benefits of the protein. The availability of protein feed depends on the available protein value, energy value and anti-nutritional factors. The nutritional value of protein is determined by the content, composition, and proportion of essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. The content, composition, and proportion of proteins are closer to the nutritional value of the body protein. The main source of protein feed in compound feeds is soybean meal. Because its amino acid content is very rich, and the comparison is reasonable, and it contains unknown growth factors, it is the best source of protein for the chicken industry. Poultry at any stage can be used. However, due to the fact that all bean protein feeds contain protein inhibitors, their use is limited. The ratio of lysine to arginine in the peanut meal (cake) is 1:3.8 (far more than the ideal ratio of 1:1). Therefore, the chickens in production are banned in the early stage of the diet and the chicks and broilers are banned. Less than 4%. The amino acid level of rapeseed meal is close to that of soybean meal, but the application of anti-nutritional factors makes it limited. Generally, adding 5% in the chicken-associated diet has no adverse effect. The use of cotton aphid mixed with vegetables can serve as a supplement. Put cotton pods: rapeseed meal: bean pods in a ratio of 1:1:2 or combine cottonseed cakes: rapeseed cakes: sunflower seeds in a ratio of 1:1:4 into triple cakes and add lysine and high copper as poultry The protein source of feed, both safety limits and nutrition requirements, is an effective way to rationally use chowder. In recent years, it has also been used to produce antibiotic residues as a protein feed. Despite its high protein content, due to the presence of antibiotics in the animal, it can cause resistance to the animals and even cause harm to humans, so it has been banned from use. Due to the high price of fishmeal and the tight supply, the proportion of rations in the diet is very small. Blood meal, feather meal and meat and bone meal processed by animal by-products of slaughter are used to partially replace the amino acid components in the fishmeal balanced diet. When using protein feeds in conjunction with diets, for easy generalization of guidance, concentrates should be dominated by pods (above 60%); young and commensurate animals should use as little or no chow; use as much as possible Complementary amino acid balance, so as to meet the animal's need for amino acids without adding synthetic amino acids; increase the amount of methionine and lysine added when using potpourri, pay special attention to the amino acid balance, but also properly increase iron, copper, zinc, manganese Add level. Third, balanced nutrition, so that the coordination between the various nutrients formulated chicken with diet should pay special attention to the ratio of protein and energy, in addition to the ratio of various amino acids in the protein was mentioned first. 1, according to digestible amino acids formulated dietary amino acids can not be fully digested and used by animals. The digestibility of amino acids in different feed ingredients is different. The use of by-products and limited ingredients are particularly prominent. Therefore, formulating diets with effective amino acids is closer to the use of amino acids by animals. Doing so can better control animal performance, reduce nutrients in the diet, and make full use of unconventional protein feed ingredients. The prerequisite for optimal use is the need to estimate the amount of digestible amino acids in the raw material and the animal's need for digestible amino acids. Experiments have shown that diets with low digestibility (composed of sorghum, rice bran, poultry by-products, and meat and bone meal) and high-digestibility diets (corn, soybean meal) have higher weight, feed intake, and feed/feed ratio than other diets. Both are similar, and feed costs per kilogram of body weight are significantly reduced (3.5%). It can be seen that formulating diets based on digestible amino acids provides new ideas for rational and effective use of chowder and other processing by-products. The principle of the method for determining the digestibility of amino acids is: accuracy, sensitivity, and simplicity. Amino acids are absorbed before use at the end of the ileum, and the gut microbes can change the composition of the undigested amino acids in the chyme, so determining the digestibility of amino acids involves the question of whether or not to remove the cecum. Experiments have shown that when feeding protein-free diets, caecectomy for adult cocks has higher amino acid excretion than normal cocks. Diets formulated with digestible amino acids have high protein digestibility, reducing nitrogen emissions and environmental pollution. For chickens, the growth rate in the early stage (0-8 weeks) depends on the level of protein with good amino acid balance. Formulating the diet with digestible amino acids ensures the best growth performance of the chicken and helps increase the egg weight and opening date. age. 2, using the ideal protein system diet, age, gender, environment and other factors affect the animal's need for amino acids, it can not accurately apply the "dose?? Reaction" experiment to determine the requirements of each amino acid one by one. Using the ratio of digestible essential amino acids to lysine as the basis for calculating the ratio of dietary amino acids is very easy to adapt to various conditions because the ideal ratio is relatively stable. Applying this amino acid balance theory can reduce excess amino acid levels (excess amino acids have no value, generate additional heat gain, inhibit the use of other amino acids), and reduce protein feed costs. The so-called ideal protein (IP) means that the amino acid composition and proportion of the protein in the diet are in agreement with the ratio of amino acids required by the animal. Each amino acid in the IP is an essential amino acid. The rise in protein feed prices and related reductions in production efficiency, the widening of protein feed resources, and the use of protein substitutes have led to imbalances in the supply and demand of amino acids, prompting diets to create ideal proteins, and at the same time establishing ideal proteins to meet animal needs and prevent waste of raw materials. Improve economic efficiency. The reason why lysine is used as a reference in ideal protein systems is that lysine is a limiting amino acid in chickens, and lysine analysis is easier than sulfur-containing amino acids. The main function of lysine is to synthesize proteins, and there are many research data. In practice, ideal proteins are commonly used to determine the amino acid requirements and to assess the nutritional value of feed protein. The net amino acid requirement for body protein and hair protein deposition and maintenance needs all affect the composition of the ideal protein. Different purposes require different amino acid ratios. Since lysine must adapt to a variety of conditions, it is difficult to develop a set of ideal amino acid standards that can be adapted to different situations. The use of ideal proteins has many advantages: 1. It can reduce the level of dietary protein, effectively use nitrogen sources, and reduce the pollution of nitrogen sources to the environment; 2. Reduce the consumption of thermal energy and reduce the cost of diet; 3. Can keep the dietary protein Relatively stable, so that production performance is maintained at the necessary level. IV. Adding Feed Additives to Improve the Digestive Utilization of Nutrients The antinutritional factors in feeds can hinder the digestion of dietary nutrients and induce indigestion. Trypsin inhibitors and phytohemagglutinin in soy products are a good example. In order to ensure that animals play the maximum production performance, increase feed utilization often add trace substances in the feed ---- all kinds of enzymes. Feed enzyme preparations can degrade the specificity of anti-nutritional substances. The main effects of enzyme preparations are: (1) Degradation of indigestible nutrients in feed and promote digestion and absorption of animals; (2) Make up for lack of endogenous enzymes in animals; (3) Improve feed quality and improve feed utilization. The addition of enzyme preparations to the chick material allows the digestive power to reach adult chicken levels, thereby increasing the rate of weight gain and lowering the feed-to-meat ratio. Adding enzyme preparations to the layer of chickens can increase the feed intake and reduce the feed consumption and improve the production performance. It has been reported that the addition of 0.08% of the compound enzyme preparation to layer hens' diets will increase the egg production rate of laying hens between 25 and 30 weeks of age by 6.65% compared to the control group and save feed by 4.4%. Phosphorus accounts for 25% of the total mineral content of the chicken body. It is also a very expensive nutrient in commercial feed. 70% of the total phosphorus in common feed exists in phytic acid in the bound state. If this part of phosphorus can be fully utilized by chicken body, it can meet the needs of chicken under normal circumstances. This planting of Phosphorus can only be used by the chicken body through the action of phytase, which makes it necessary to add phytase (the original that only non-phytic Phosphorus can be used by the chicken body is quite general). Phytase can increase the utilization rate of total phosphorus by 20% - 30% and the utilization rate of phytic acid by 60% - 90%. Many studies have reported that adding phytase instead of all or part of inorganic phosphorus in the chicken diet has a certain effect. In the past, phytase has been commonly used in laying hens and is gradually extending into broilers and pigs. According to foreign reports, the balance of Na, K, and Cl in feed has an important influence on the production performance of laying hens. The use of NaCl makes it difficult to balance Na + and Cl − in the feed between egg production rate, egg weight, eggshell formation and feed conversion efficiency (Na +0.14%--0.28%, Cl-0.2%-- Within 0.24%), while baking soda as a Na source, the Na + concentration in the blood can be maintained optimally. Adding proper amount of baking soda to layer diets during hot summer can significantly relieve the adverse effects of high temperature stress and maintain good chicken production levels. VE is an important metabolic antioxidant and has a high biological significance. Due to the lack of obvious symptoms of VE, many manufacturers ignore the addition. However, VE can be used to protect new tissues and cell membranes, which plays an important role in improving the function of the immune system. It has been reported that the addition of VE can increase the feed conversion rate by 2%--5%, and effectively reduce the overall chicken waste rate. Choline has the basic metabolic function that betaine and methionine cannot replace. Adding betaine to feeds can reduce feed costs but it cannot completely replace methionine and choline. The choline content in the diet is 1100 mg, and it is generally believed that the requirement for choline in chickens decreases with age. Diets supplemented with zeolite powder can greatly reduce fecal odors and pollution; diets containing microecological preparations can increase resistance and improve feed digestibility by increasing the body's constitution; adding antibiotics can save feed and increase weight gain. According to reports, 25PPM olaquindox daily gain in broiler diets can increase 5%--10%, save about 6% feed, and shorten the feeding period by 3-5 days; add 25--30PPM quinoline to the layer of chickens With ethanol, egg production rate increased by 4%--9% on average, and feed utilization rate increased by 1.4%--7%. Quality is the life of feed products and the cost is also the key to whether the company can firmly occupy the market in the fierce market competition. Therefore, the rational preparation of the diet so that it can meet the animal's nutritional needs to the maximum extent, to play the best production performance and can make efficient use of feed to enable enterprises to obtain good benefits.