A brief introduction to fresh-cut fruits and vegetables

A brief introduction to fresh-cut fruits and vegetables

Modern people live fast, fast food has become a way of life, and modern people who are cooking with themselves are increasingly hoping to simplify everything. Then a lot of fast-paced things were born. Fresh cut fruits and vegetables are one of them.

Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables refer to products that are classified, finished, cleaned, cut, preserved, packaged, etc., and kept fresh and fresh. Consumers who purchase such products do not need to be further processed and can be eaten or cooked directly.

The well-known fruits and vegetables undergo a series of reactions after being cut, which is not conducive to the preservation of food, but also causes the loss of some nutrients, which may cause food poisoning. This series of changes has caused a decline in the quality of fruits and vegetables and shortened the shelf life. It also reduces the quality of the goods.

The production of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables must control the number of microorganisms and control possible.

Cleaning treatment is an indispensable part of fresh-cut fruit and vegetable processing. Fruits and vegetables are washed and drained, which has caused a certain degree of damage to the surface of fruits and vegetables. The exudation of juice is more conducive to the occurrence of microbial activities and enzyme reactions, causing corruption and discoloration, resulting in a decline in quality. Due to the loss of epidermal protection, fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are more susceptible to deterioration by microorganisms, mainly bacteria, which can remove surface cell juice and reduce the number of microorganisms, preventing microbial growth and enzymatic oxidative browning during storage. However, water cleaning does not effectively remove microorganisms. Usually, some chemicals are added to the washing water to reduce the number of microorganisms and prevent the enzyme reaction.

Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are easy to brown in the air, easy to be infiltrated by microorganisms and have strong metabolism. Therefore, when producing fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to take corresponding packaging measures to achieve the required shelf life. The package can directly act as a barrier to prevent microbial infiltration, while regulating the micro-environment of fruits and vegetables, and controlling humidity and gas composition.

For some fruits and vegetables treated with low concentration salt, the water activity can be appropriately reduced, which has certain antibacterial effect. Non-heat treatment physical methods such as high voltage electric field, high hydraulic pressure, super light, ultrasonic and radiation, especially irradiation will also be gradually applied to the sterilization of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.

The packaged goods are preferably sold on a chilled cabinet. This also extends sales time.

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