Feed Formula for Beef Cattle Breeding

At present, farmers raise cattle more and more by farmers. Now farmers have changed the original breeding purpose of cattle breeding. Previously, cattle farming was to farm and farm work. Now most of the farmers raise cows to breed beef cattle, mainly beef cattle. Then, with the change in the purpose of breeding, the party that raises cattle for the farmers will also have to change. The following is a brief description of the feed formulation and cattle breeding technology for beef cattle for farmers:

1, feed formulation.

The formula for beef cattle concentrates with a weight of more than 40C kg was 65% for corn, 5% for soybean cake, 15% for cottonseed cake, 11,5% for bran and 1% for bone meal. Salt 1%, soda 1%, flavor 0.5%. The feed formula for young cattle weighing over 250 kg is 60% corn and 10% soybean cake. 20% cottonseed cake, 5.5% bran, 1.5% bone meal, 1% salt, 1% soda, and 1% flavor.

The roughage is mainly composed of silage corn stalks, brewer's grains and distillers' grains. The silage corn stalks are mainly harvested by using the green stalk green stalks harvested in autumn and harvested in large amounts. Feeding throughout the year. Brewers' grains are added in the summer and distillers' grain is bad in the winter.

2, feed feed amount.

According to the age of cattle, fattening methods can be divided into:

(1) Young cattle fattening. Fattening time is 6-8 months.

(2) Shelf fattening. Fattening time is 4 to 5 months.

In principle, it can be divided into three stages:

In the first stage, from 7 to 15 days, the newly-purchased cattle will experience fatigue due to long-distance transportation and stress and will not adapt to the environment. This phase is the recovery period. Mainly tuned cattle. Don't feed concentrate at the beginning. Feed high-quality green grass, dried grass, wheat straw, and peanut meal first, drink clean water, and mix silage, ammoniated feed, and distiller's grains in succession. Allow the cow to starve for 1 to 2 days before feeding the concentrate.

The second stage is 15 to 20 days, which is the transition period. After the recovery period of the previous period, the cattle basically adapted to the feeding conditions of the new environment, at this time can increase the amount of concentrate feeding. Generally, 0.8% of body weight is fed to concentrate, 200kg of body weight of beef is 1.6kg, and the amount of roughage is not limited. Feed it continuously for several days, and gradually increase the proportion of concentrate after adjustment. When the transition period is over, fine The feed may account for 40% to 50% of the diet.

The third stage is 110 to 120 days for the fast fattening period. The proportion of concentrate feed in the diet during this period is: 5 to 60% for 1 to 20 days, 65% to 70% for 21 to 50 days, 75% for 51 to 90 days, and 80% for 90 to 120 days. ~ 85%.

3, feeding methods.

In order to facilitate the operation and management, the feeding method is generally adopted for 1 day and 2 feedings. At 5 o'clock and 5 o'clock in winter and spring, at 4:30 and 5 o'clock in summer and autumn, the daily feeding time is generally 30 to 40 minutes. , feeding water once in the summer at noon. Rumination time is not less than 8 hours. During the 2 to 3 days of dietary changes, the breeder must observe the cattle’s feeding conditions and the number of retirements. Once abnormal conditions are detected, they must be promptly processed. At the same time, concentrates should be added at the feeding stage. The processing method of the forage material is: the spermatozoa are soaked with fresh water before feeding, reach the hands and form a group, and fall off to spread out. First spread the silage corn stalk evenly on the concrete floor about 15 cm thick. Then dip the soaked concentrate on the surface. Sprinkle the 5 cm thick distiller's grains on top and cover it with a plastic cloth. Usually 3 hours in summer. After 12 hours in winter, you can mix and feed. This kind of grass is soft and has a savory taste. The cow is especially fond of eating without residue and then drinking clear water.

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