Tomato-rice-cauliflower cultivation techniques

One, tomato

1, species selection. Choose the precocious, high-yield, strong growth potential, high-quality disease resistance, large fruit type, fruit neat, sweet and sour taste, not easy to crack fruit, good commercial quality, high resistance to early, late blight and virus disease of the fine varieties. Such as Yu Ying, Xiaoyu and other varieties.

2, nursery. Using a small arch shed insulation moisturizing seedlings, seeding 0.5-1.0g per 1 seedbed, after sowing covered with fine mud or fertilizer mud 1cm, 2 leaves 1 heart when the planted, the density is 10cm10cm, take a small arch shelter after cold protection, 7 -8 leaves (with flower buds) colonization.

3, colonization. Tomato is a deep-rooted crop, the root system can be up to 1m into the soil, the soil should be deep plowing more than 25cm, and the decomposed pig manure 30.0-37.5t/h? According to the surface width of 1.2m from the cocoon, groove depth 30cm, groove width 25-30cm, double-row planting, plant spacing 50cm60cm, planting 25500-27,000 / h? appropriate, when transplanting rooting water.

4. Daejeon Management. Specific as follows: 1 temperature and light adjustment. In the first week of planting, it is necessary to hold the sheds for heat preservation, and after 7 days, the membranes can be gradually removed and the light can be removed gradually. Keep the temperature in the booth at 20-25°C during the day and 15°C at night. 2 fertilizer and water management. Tomatoes need more water, but they also avoid wetness. The whole growing season requires dry seeing. About 10 days after planting, topdressing 10%-15% of human excrement 15t/hm2; when the first fruit begins to expand, chase the second fertilizer, apply Sanyuan compound fertilizer 300-450kg/h? When the first fruit When the mature second crop is half-large, it catches the third fertilizer and applies Sanyuan Compound Fertilizer 450-600 kg/h?, and then depending on the growth condition, the top dressing is appropriately applied at the harvesting stage, and the compound fertilizer 150-225 kg is used every 15 days or so. /hm2 topdressing 1 times, full fruit period can be used 2% Pu through calcium phosphate or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution for 3-4 times extra-root fertilizer. 3 plant adjustments. When the height of the plants exceeds 40cm, the vines must be strung in time. When the first inflorescences bloom or the fruits are formed, the single stems are used for pruning, and the thinning and fruit thinning are timely, the first inflorescence leaves 4 fruit, and the excess flowers, fruits and malformed fruits. Should be neglected. When the first panicle is ripe and harvested, the lower old leaves are destroyed, and after each fruit is harvested, the old leaves are promptly removed and the vines are dropped. 4 pest control. Tomato diseases mainly include bacterial wilt and late blight, and can be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture 1:1:200 times or 50% carbendazim WP 700-800 times at the beginning of the disease, spraying once every 7-10 days. Spray 2-3 times, the control effect is better. 5 spraying anti-dropping factor. Apply 40-50mg/L tomato spirit spray immediately when flowering to prevent fruit drop.

5, harvest. After the fruit is whitened (white maturation period), artificial ripening by ethephon can be performed. It is usually harvested and marketed at fruit coloring stage.

Second, late rice

1, species selection. Late rice varieties should be selected mid-maturing hybrid rice combinations. Such as two excellent series, II excellent series of moderate growth period and other combinations.

2, planting seedlings. The late tomato sowing time is arranged around June 15th, using wet seedlings. Before planting, apply basic fertilizer, apply special fertilizer for rice seedlings 60g/?, apply 60-75g/?

3, dense planting. Plant spacing 20cm20cm, planting 255,500 bushes/hm2, basic seedlings 750,000-900,000/hm2.

4, water and fertilizer management. The principle of high-yield fertilization in Daejeon is to apply basic fertilizers, apply fertilizers as early as possible, and skillfully apply ear fertilizers. During the whole period of pure N180kg/hm2, the ratio of N, P and K was 1:0.5:0.8. According to “33121” fertilization in each period, 30% of base fertilizer, 0% of topdressing, 10% of balance fertilizer, 20% of panicle fertilizer, and 10% of pellet fertilizer. The water pipe applies deep water protection seedlings, shallow moisture seedlings, enough seedlings to bake the field, and the late dry-wet-alternate pipe water technology. Timely prevention and control of pests and diseases ensure high yields.

Three, cauliflower

1, species selection. The early-maturing disease-resistant varieties were selected, mainly from Qingong in Taiwan for 60 and 65 days, and Toyota Greenrods in Taiwan for 60 and 65 days.

2, sowing nursery. Sowing in early October, nursery areas should select well-drained and fertile soil. After sowing, cover a layer of dry fine soil, and cover the surface of the sun shading net to moisturize, seedling period 28-30d, Daejeon seed amount 300g/hm2 or so. During the nursery, pay attention to seedlings, grass and pest control.

3, soil preparation and fertilization. During the site preparation, Sanyuan compound fertilizer 750kg/hm2 was used as the basal fertilizer. After application, the soil was timely grounded, smashed, and flattened. The general sill width was 1.2-1.3m and the ditch depth was 25cm.

4, colonization. When the seedlings have 4-6 true leaves, they can plant Daejeon. On the evening before planting, the seedbeds should be irrigated so as to bring more soil to raise seedlings and increase the survival rate. It requires 2 rows per plant, with a plant spacing of 45-50 cm and a planting density of 3300-34,500 plants/hm2.

5, field management. The first time after planting, the top dressing was carried out after living plants. Ammonium bicarbonate was applied at 180kg/hm2, and superphosphate was 60kg/hm2. After the top dressing was applied once every 8 to 9 days, ammonium bicarbonate was applied at 225kg/hm2 and superphosphate at 75kg/. Hm2, 2-3 consecutive times. In the initial stage of budding, it was reapplied once and Shi Sanyuan Compound Fertilizer (225kg/hm2) was added with urea (105-120kg/hm2) and poured into the center of the lotus root. Before plant closure, we should combine cultivating earth and weeding for 2-3 times. Cultivation of broccoli should pay attention to cover the ball, the method is to pick a piece of old leaves covered in the flower ball, cover the ball to do diligent inspection, ground cover, in order to ensure that each flower ball is white and soft. Cauliflower grows vigorously and water should be diligently cultivated throughout the growing period. At the same time, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases such as black rot, cabbage caterpillar, rapeseed mealworm, diamondback moth, aphids, and flea beetle.

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