DNA cleavage is an important feature of apoptosis. In the early stage of apoptosis, DNA can be broken to form large fragments of 200-250 kb or 30-35 kb; in the late stage, it can be further broken between nucleosomes to form 180-200 bp DNA fragmentation fragments. TUNEL (TdT mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling) can detect any form of DNA fragmentation and has become a common method for apoptosis detection. The results can be obtained by optical microscopy or Flow cytometry was performed for analysis. The test can be performed using the TACS® 2 TdT in situ apoptosis assay (TUNEL method) kit. In situ detection by TUNEL method is to use the exogenous TdT enzyme (Terminal deoxynucleotide transferase) to add the labeled substrate dUTP or BrdU (with or without fluorescent label) to the breakpoint of DNA. To achieve labeling of DNA breakpoints, the results are then detected by enzymatic methods (such as HRP-anti-dUTP antibody) or by fluorescence (such as BrdU-FITC) to show the extent of DNA fragmentation upon apoptosis. Amy Jie recommends the world-renowned Trevigen TUNEL full range of solutions. These protocols include the TACS® XL in situ apoptosis detection protocol based on the BrdU infiltration and detection principle, based on the TdT enzyme to infiltrate and label the biotin Biotin-labeled dUTP with the TACS® 2 TdT TUNEL assay, specifically targeting different tissues (eg nerve/ TUNEL detection protocol for tumor/myocardium/vascular/skin, etc., and TUNEL protocol for microplate assay and flow cytometry, respectively. Light microscopy observation of DNA fragmentation of breast tissue of mice after weaning by TACS® 2 TdT DAB (diaminobenzidine) Kit Trevigen's unique TACS® 2 TdT kit utilizes Trevigen's unique cation-optimized system to enhance marker signals in specific tissues and combines unique non-toxic labeling solutions to enhance operational safety. The kit uses a highly purified TdT enzyme with biotinylated nucleotides for in situ labeling, followed by a streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase system, and finally biotin with DAB or TACS blue labeling. Tag detection. There is also a fluorescence detection protocol that uses fluorescein-coupled streptavidin to detect and directly observe the results using a surface fluorescence microscope. These complete kits provide all the reagents required for labeling, including two permeabilizing agents, labeling and detection reagents, stop solutions, counterstaining, and TACS-nuclease reagents for the preparation of positive controls. The TACS 2 TdT in situ apoptosis core kit provides only the basic reagents required for TUNEL, including TdT labeling, detection, termination solutions, and TdT enzymes and related buffers; TACS 2 TdT in situ apoptosis DAB assay kits are available. The core kit also provides two permeabilizing agents, counterstaining reagents, TACS-nucleases for the preparation of positive references, and DAB substrates. The TACS 2 TdT blue-labeled in situ apoptosis detection kit is only used alone. Some showed a blue marker and the final color was blue; while the TACS 2 TdT fluorescently labeled in situ apoptosis assay kit was finally green fluorescent and observed. The TACS® 2 TdT Replenisher Kit supplement kit provides only TdT detection solutions, TdT enzymes and related buffers in the core kit. The TACS® 2 TdT series kit has the following features: 1. In situ labeling based on TdT; 2. High signal-to-noise ratio, strong signal, low background; 3. Available in DAB, TACS blue labeling or fluorescence detection. Complete kit; 4, contains a unique Cytonin permeabilization reagent; 5, contains TACS-ribozyme positive control reagent. Related products are as follows: Pure Water Distiller,Small Water Distiller,Tattoo Water Distiller,Distilled Water System ZHEJIANG FOMOS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. , https://www.ifomos.com Product name Brand Item number product manual TACS® 2 TdT Core Kit Trevigen 4810-30-CK 30 sample analysis TACS® 2 TdT DAB (diaminobenzidine) Kit Trevigen 4810-30-K 30 sample analysis TACS® 2 TdT Replenisher Kit Trevigen 4810-30-R 30 sample analysis TACS® 2 TdT Blue Label Kit Trevigen 4811-30-K 30 sample analysis TACS® 2 TdT Fluorescein Kit Trevigen 4812-30-K 30 sample analysis