A drop of urine can predict the progression of diabetes

A drop of urine can predict the progression of diabetes

July 4, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Chen Chao

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The research team of Okayama University and Professor Tanada of Japan discovered for the first time that the difference in sugar chain excretion in urine is a new biomarker that can predict the future deterioration of kidney disease in diabetic patients.

Sugar chains play a variety of roles in the human body and are important biopolymers. However, due to their complex structure, it is difficult to detect them. Sugar chain research in kidney disease and diabetes has not progressed. This time, the research team used the lectin array developed by GlycoTechnica to simultaneously predict the number of sugar chains in the urine of a large number of patients in a short period of time with only one drop of urine (about 20 microliters). In addition, the R&D team examined the number of urinary sugar chains in diabetic patients in a number of medical institutions, and found that in patients with renal dysfunction in the future, the number of specific sugar chains in the urine was quite different.

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