Release date: 2018-03-29 Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a "slow torture" for the patient. The etiology and pathogenesis of the disease are not fully understood. It is known that the inflammatory response caused by the abnormal reaction of the intestinal mucosal immune system plays an important role in the pathogenesis and is thought to be caused by multi-factor interactions, including environmental, genetic, infection and Immunity factor. Currently, although histological analysis of biopsy and endoscopy has been used to assess disease status, measurements are often delayed and invasive. This time, Sufi Payne, a scientist at the Australian Institute of Bionics, and colleagues published a paper in the Open Science of the Royal Society, describing a method for diagnosing inflammatory bowel disease. In view of the fact that a key feature of inflammatory bowel disease is the destruction of the mucosal barrier, the team correlated the changes in electrical impedance in vivo with histological measurements of inflammation after induction of enteritis in rats as biomarkers of inflammatory bowel disease. Object. The researchers said that this measurement of impedance can be used for the diagnosis and management of the disease. Source: Technology Daily Electrolyte Analyzer,Electrolyte Analyzer System,Auto Electrolyte Analyzer,Double Plug Airbag Gas Generator Guangdong Widinlsa International Co.Ltd ,