Maize "close density" planting method

Maize "close density" planting method that corn "three than empty" planting methods: ridge spacing of 47 cm, planting spacing of 20-22 cm, ridge spacing of 40 to 44 cm, with 4 ridge as a cycle, namely Mubaobao is 4000 to 4500 plants; it is planted with three ridges and one ridge, three ridges are dense on both sides, and the middle is dilute.

White Rice Vinegar

Lishida White Rice Vinegar is mainly used for pickling,making salads,sweet and sour dishes and sushi foods.Brewed from rice and other high quality ingredients,many families cook sweet & sour spare ribs,fish with this great vinegar.Welcome to share your recipes for white rice vinegar to us and people loving cuisines!

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