Several "why" on livestock breeding

(1) Why does the horse feed on the night grass when it grows long? The gram of the wolfberry bears the money and the 骸 抟 怼 怼 . . . . 怼 怼 怼 怼 怼 怼 怼 怼 怼 怼 怼Rhythm 牟 牟 牟 喜 喜 剿 剿 剿 牟 牟 牟 喜 喜 喜 喜 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 肯 肯?煳沽 煳沽 煳沽 龆 6. 龆 墒 墒 墒 墒 墒 ィ 赡芑嵋 赡芑嵋 鹞咐┱ 鹞咐┱ 鹞咐┱ 鹞咐┱ 鹞咐┱ 鹞咐┱ 鹞咐┱ 鹞咐┱ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 screw 13. 嶂 . . 燃 燃 燃 5.ヒ 橇 橇 橇 橇 橇 橇 橇 橇 ? 嵊跋觳 嵊跋觳 嵊跋觳 嵊跋觳 嵊跋觳 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 朔阉 绻 绻 绻 匣旌 匣旌 匣旌 匣旌 匣旌 匣旌 匣旌 橇 橇 被 被 被 被Tip 曰ハ 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 U 庋 ? U 庋 U 庋 ? ? ? ? ? ? U 庋 U 庋 ? ? 崞 U 庋 崞 ? ? ? 鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍 っ っ っ 懿 妹 妹 妹 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ( ( ( ( Grass should not be put sheep? 垦虺 垦虺 舜罅 舜罅 ? 牟荩 牟荩 牟荩 牟荩 谖 谖 谖 谖 χ χ 芊 芊 芊 芊 芊 芊 芊 芊 芊 芊 芊 19. 梗 ? 澹 澹 辗 辗 辗 毙 毙 毙 12. S 旰蠛 新 new end? 狈 狈 粒 萆 萆 萆 8 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 肟 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 writing 20 Afterwards, the appearance is very good. The Grandmother's teachings?Jia Fei's fierceness?The dizzy?Now you have a beautiful,blessing,transparent,blessing,sweeping,sweeping,sweeping,browing,and eating.BR>(4)Why the pigs feed dry materials?硎 硎 っ鳎 寨 寨 寨 寨 寨 寨 寨 寨 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 贾 煞啵 劬Γ 劬Γ 劬Γ 劬Γ 劬Γ 劬Γ 涠 涠 涠 涠 涠 涠In addition, the yarn stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, bonds, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, banks, stocks, banks, stocks, and traders, have a lot of interest. This will prevent the feed from freezing in the winter, spoilage and spoilage in the summer, and make the pigs eat full and grow fast.
(5)Why do the sheep have to feed the hanging grass? The salary is guaranteed. The ring is hard and the summer is hard.谏 ? 部 ? ? ? 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 蛩阂 蛩阂 蛩阂 蛩阂 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 闾穑 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (虺 虺 葜 葜 葜 葜 苌俪曰赝 荩 荩 嘌蛟蛏瞥曰赝 嘌蛟蛏瞥曰赝 嘌蛟蛏瞥曰赝 嘌蛟蛏瞥曰赝 嘌蛟蛏瞥曰赝 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧 蛐郧This is a good example of how to deal with violence, troubles, etc There are special effects? Ken rushed to the road? Relieve it? 煞 楸 楸 楸 楸 楸 悄 悄 悄 uranium ? 匆 匆 匆 匆 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 コ嫣逄灞砝 屎 屎 屎 屎 屎 屎 屎 屎 屎僦 side (7) Kwong Yu K? ? ? -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。
(8) Why is the chicken “jealed” with good disease-resistance? 啃 〖Τ隹 Τ隹 跗冢 捎谛 捎谛 捎谛 捎谛 捎谛 μ逯 逯 逯 μ逯 이崛 ? 由 炱 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 饨缫蛩氐 苋菀 苋菀 苋菀 苋菀 苋菀 苋菀具体 绻 绻 笆 笆 笆 笆 笆 笆 柿 柿 柿 柿 柿 柿 柿 柿 柿 柿 BR BR BR BR 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体 具体Feed chickens, or add 20 parts of vinegar to the chickens for drinking. If the chicks get a small amount of sugar in the vinegar for the first 3 days after hatching, their disease-prevention and disease-resistance effects are better.

Bagging Scale sytem

Bagging Scale System is suitable for packing open-mouth bags, after filling the material, the system will sew or seal the bags. It has a widely filling weight ranging depend on the customer`s request and weighting is usually used in a complete plant, to pack the cleaned seeds. It has an ideal weighing system by adopting advanced microelectronic technologies; it provides perfect control and management of the weighing and packing process.

It's suitable of packing the granule materiel, such as the seed, agricultural product and chemical etc.



     High calculating precision, rapid packaging speed, stable function, easy operation.

     Adopt advanced techniques on control instrument, sensor, and pneumatic components.

     Advanced functions: automatic correction, error alarm, automatic error detection.

     All components which have direct contact with bagging materials are made from stainless steel.

Bagging Scale System

Bagging Scale System,Grain Bagging Machine,Electronic Weighing Scale,Weighing Scale