There is a new way to treat brain diseases

There is a new way to treat brain diseases

July 12, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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Errors in the transmission of nerve signals are closely related to neurological and psychiatric diseases such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although scientists have developed therapeutic strategies that accurately target disease-related neural pathways, they often require surgery to complete. A new treatment developed by researchers at the California Institute of Technology opens and closes the brain's neural pathways without surgery. The researchers say that this non-invasive method of controlling the brain is important for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

This new treatment combines ultrasound, gene therapy and synthetic drugs, and the whole process can be divided into three steps. The first step is to temporarily open the blood-brain barrier: first inject small bubbles into the blood, then use ultrasonic waves to impact the bubbles, and use the vibration of the bubbles to temporarily open the blood-brain barrier; the second step is to use genetic therapy to pass genetic instructions to specific cells: After the blood-brain barrier of the ultrasound-targeted area is opened, a virus is delivered to the blood, which transmits genetic instructions to specific cells through the blood-brain barrier. These genetic instructions encode a so-called "chemical genetic receptor." The protein is made to respond to a laboratory-made drug; the last step is dosing: turning specific nerve cells on or off.

Researchers published a paper in the online edition of Nature Biomedical Engineering on the 9th that they used this method to specifically alter the memory formation of mice. When the mice were given a chemical drug, the memory-forming nerve cells located in the hippocampus part of the mouse brain were turned off, and as a result, the mice were temporarily unable to form new memories.

Because the new technology combines chemical genetics with ultrasound, researchers call it "acoustic-targeted chemical genetics" or ATAC. They point out that using the ATAC method, you can control specific brain regions and cell types and the time when nerve cells turn on or off without surgery, and this method is reversible. Over time, the closed nerve cells will turn back on. This is of great significance for the future of basic neurological research and treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases. (Reporter Liu Haiying)

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