Origin in Vietnam, one of
the best origins of Cashews. It is
beautiful color and sweet tastes. Cashew is the lowest calories in tree nuts. They packed with soluble
dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and numerous health-promoting phytochemicals
that help protect from diseases and cancers. They are rich in [heart-friendly"
monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic, and Palmitoleic acids. These
essential fatty acids help lower harmful LDL-cholesterol while increasing good
HDL cholesterol in the blood. Research studies suggest that the Mediterranean
diet which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids contribute to preventing
coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
Cashew Nut Kernel Vietnam Cashew Nut Kernel,Cashew Nut Kernel,Raw Cashew Nut Kernel Ningxia Shun Yuan Tang Herbal Biotech Co., Ltd. , http://www.nxshunyuantang.com
Five things to keep rabbits nowadays
When feeding and feeding, please pay attention to: do not feed on rotten and degenerate feed; do not feed feed with silt and manure; do not feed green succulent feed with dew; do not feed on pesticides and have no effect on pesticides. Green fodder; non-feeding legume feeds; feeds that do not cause intestinal dilatation in rabbits; feeds that are not mixed with rabbit hair. Feed regularly quantified, fed 3 to 5 times a day, including feeding a meal at night. Forage to mix thoroughly wolfberry, locust and other rich in nutrients, jujube leaves, pepper leaves and other stomach digestion, purslane, bitter vegetables, plantain and other diuretic anti-inflammatory, lentil pods, Artemisia annua and other heat heat. Be sure to diversify forage when feeding. Timely hair collection In October each year is the rabbit's hair replacement season, usually lasting 20-25 days, and it is necessary to perform hair removal or shearing in time for rabbits to change hairs. Pulling Mao Yi Lachang long and short, and a small handful of light pull, can not be hard to pull, in order to improve the quality of rabbit hair, to avoid damage to the skin. If shearing is performed, the rabbit's back should be cut first, then the side of the body should be cut, and then the head, limbs, and abdomen should be cut. The cut hair should be carefully selected and stored in separate parts. Rabbits need to increase their nutrition after plucking, and generally require that the content of methionine and cystine in their diet be about 0.7%. The male and female rabbits should feed separately and presently is the rabbit's breeding season. Therefore, male rabbits should be fed with vitamin-enriched green fodder, such as leeks, to enhance breeding ability; female rabbits should be fed with anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and siltation. Feed, such as Lysimachia, Motherwort, etc., to increase the conception rate. The current fertility rate of females and the number of farrowings are high, and the developmental health and survival rate of puppies are high. Therefore, the breeding should be carried out quickly. The females are estrus once every 8-15 days. Each time they last for 3-4 days, they are usually mated in the middle of female estrus. The fertilization rate and reproduction rate are the highest.