Citrus pests and diseases mainly include citrus spider mites, citrus mites, leaf miners, ulcers, resinous diseases, and anthrax. During the appropriate period of forecasting and control, pests and diseases that meet prevention and control indicators should be selectively used with high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides for control, and high-toxicity and high-residue pesticides should be prohibited. The focus of citrus leafhoppers was to reduce the number of insects in February and August. During the peak period from March to June and September to November, more than five oranges per leaf should be sprayed and prevented. The control agents may be selected from avermectin, mineral oil, spirooxamate, Liuyangmycin, thiazolyl ketone, and bufalin. When the young leaves and fruit trees of the citrus leaf miner are started to shoot in the summer and autumn, the adult trees are controlled during the autumn shoots. The shoots are applied at the shoot length of 1 to 1.5 cm, and sprayed once every 7 to 10 days. Imidacloprid, acetamiprid, etc. can be used as the agent. Citrus mealworms are treated with buprofezin plus acetamiprid or imidacloprid during the shoot stage, adult peak period and peak period 10 to 15 days. From the end of April to early May, the scale insects treated the central strain; when most of the orange trees had more than 5% of the leaves of the live larvae, the whole garden was treated. Pharmacists can choose buprofezin and chlorpyrifos. Rust ticks from June to July, such as 10% of the fruit surface can be seen or began to appear sporadic coriander fruit, should be treated with medication. Agents can choose mancozeb, Liuyangmycin. The focus of ulcer disease is prevention and treatment of young shoots and young fruit. Spring shoots turn green in the leaves, shoots 5–7cm in shoots, and shoots in diameters of 0.8–1cm. They are sprayed for the second time every 10 days. Pharmacopoeia can be selected from Thiobacillus copper, Bordeaux mixture (used in the clear garden and spring shoot period), and Zhongshengmycin. Anthracnose, resin disease when the leaf rate reached 5% or acute lesions, it should be timely medication control, control agents can use thiophanate-methyl, difenoconazole, mancozeb, prochloraz and so on. Greenhouse Dutch Buckets,Dutch Bucket,Tomato Dutch Bucket,Plastic Dutch Bucket JIANGSU SKYPLAN GREENHOUSE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,