1. Sheep farm site selection The sheep farm should be built on a high ground, sunny south slope, well-drained and ventilated and dry place. Do not set up a field in low-lying lands, mountain floods, and winter winds. The distance from the source of drinking water, residential areas and main traffic routes, other livestock and poultry farms, and livestock slaughtering and processing, trading venues are more than 500 meters. Transportation and communications should be facilitated to ensure sufficient energy supply and necessary communication conditions. The water source is stable, the water quality is good, and the power supply is sufficient. The site area is isolated from the outside world, and pastoral areas have clear boundary and isolation facilities. The site area shall be divided into four sections: the life management area, the production area, the forage processing area, and the isolation observation area, and shall be separated by low shrubs or low walls and clean roads and sewage. The area of ​​life management should be arranged at a higher elevation; the sheep house in the production area should be conducive to the lighting in winter or shading in summer; the isolation area is generally located at the lower part of the lower ground and is the direction of the sewage within the site. Sheep farms should build sheep houses and sports grounds in accordance with environmental conditions and production requirements. Sheep farms can use closed, semi-open, open sheep, simple sheep or sheds. There are troughs and sinks in the sheep house and playground. A sewage treatment facility for excrement and urine is provided, and excrement, diseased carcasses and their products must be treated in a harmless manner. The farms are equipped with disinfection facilities, dressing rooms, veterinary rooms, reference rooms, pharmacies, etc. that are compatible with the production, and equipped with the necessary equipment for work. There are feed storage facilities and equipment suitable for the scale of cultivation, such as silos, hay sheds, grass storage sheds or closed grass storage sites, and corresponding feed handling equipment. 4. Sheep house air quality and water quality The air in the sheep house must be fresh, and the excrement or grass should be removed in time to reduce the harmful gases to the minimum, greening, beautifying the environment and purifying the air. The total quality of drinking water requires a rich source of clean water that can be used. Water quality standards must meet the requirements. 5. Sanitation and disinfection In order to ensure hygiene and sheep health in and around the site, a disinfection system must be established. Disinfectant drugs are highly efficient and have no residual toxicity to humans, animals, and the environment. They are non-destructive to the facility. Spray disinfection, impregnation, ultraviolet disinfection, and cleaning and disinfection can be used for the disinfection method. Sheep farm gates and sheep gates are equipped with disinfection tanks. The door disinfection tank is twice as long as the transport vehicle tire. Sheep farms and sheep houses should be equipped with cleaning and disinfection facilities. Around the sheep house, lime is sprinkled once a week. Waste pools, urine pools, and drainage pipes are disinfected once a day with 100 toxins, bacteria, or bleach. Disinfection tank can be used lime water or anti-virus Wei, chlorine poisoning and so on. The troughs, straw racks, and drinking water tanks are regularly cleaned and can be disinfected with 0.01%-0.02% potassium permanganate or 0.2%-0.5% peroxy acetic acid. The metal products can be sterilized regularly or irregularly with benzalkonium chloride. Access to vehicles and personnel should be strictly disinfected. DC 3V With Lithium Battery Smoke Alarm Dc 3V With Lithium Metal Battery Smoke Alarm,Lithium Metal Alarm,Lithium Metal Smoke Alarm,Lithium Metal Battery Smoke Alarm Guangdong Isafenest Co.,Ltd. , https://www.isfenest.com
2. The district area should be reasonable
3. Facilities