How to adjust the bull's sexual function

From spring to early summer, it is the peak season for breeding cattle. In this season, it is necessary to adjust the sexual performance of breeding bulls and increase their breeding ability so as to increase the mating rate of cows.

The level of quaternization of cow mating has a great relationship with the breeding ability of breeding bull; the breeding ability of breeding bull has a direct relationship with the strength of sexual function; the strength of male bull is also related to its temperament. , personality related.

Bulls are divided into three types according to their temperament and personality. The first type is temperament and lively personality. This kind of bull is easy to form conditioned reflexes, quick acting and excitable when mating. In coordination with the cows during the breeding process, ejaculation is sufficient and each breeding task can be successfully completed. The second type is temperament and character violence. This kind of bull has a strong heart and strong performance. In the breeding process, sometimes the energy is exhausted, but they are still eager to mate. In this way, the mating effect is often not good. The third type is temperament, quiet and weak personality. This bull does not love activities and is not easily excited. The performance of cowardice when mating, in the case of noisy and quiet, often refused to mating, bringing certain difficulties in mating.

To use the above three types of bulls for breeding, we must adopt specific methods to adjust their sexual functions based on the need to ensure that they meet various nutritional needs, so that they can adapt to the needs of breeding. For the first type of bull, it should provide better breeding conditions and environment, try to maintain and extend its good sexual performance. For the second type of bull, it is necessary to establish a strict breeding system and make it ready for mating. But also with a 3% sodium bromide solution 1.5 liters once a day, once a day, even irrigation for about 15 days. For the third type of bull, it can be exercised in a planned manner and a testicular massage is often performed. Practice has shown that testicular massage to a bull can increase local blood flow, improve local nutritional conditions, and increase the activity of sex hormones, so that sexual function can be enhanced. The method of massage is to wash the scrotum with warm water first. After washing, rub your hands to massage the scrotum, spermatic cord, testis and epididymis. Every 10 minutes, once a day. At the same time, caffeine solution should be used for gavage by using 4 g of caffeine and preparing the liquid at a concentration of 1%, once a day, once a day, for about 15 days. In this way, you can receive better breeding results.

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