How to use biogas lamps to help laying hens?

The suitable temperature for laying hens is 18°C~23°C, and the light time is 16 hours per day. If the laying hens do not have enough light during the egg production period and cannot meet the above requirements, they can use the biogas lamp as a light source to supplement them, which will increase the temperature and enhance the light. Practice has shown that the use of biogas lamps to artificially fill light on laying hens, and reasonably control the light time and light intensity, can make the layer chicken metabolism, promote the development of their egg cells, to achieve the purpose of multiple eggs.

Manually filling the layers with biogas lamps should be done after sunset or in the early morning hours. Generally, one biogas lamp is ignited for every 10 square meters of the chicken house. The daily light should be periodically performed. Illumination time starts at 2-3 hours and can be gradually extended later. However, the extended time should not exceed 1 hour at a time. The total daily illumination time (including natural illumination time) cannot exceed 17 hours, otherwise it will easily lead to metabolic disorder of laying hens. Lead to rectal prolapse. Generally, the longest illumination time should be set at the egg laying peak period. At the same time, the feed nutrition of the chicken must be ensured throughout the entire production period.


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