New Technology of Rice Water-saving Cultivation

Rice shallow and wet irrigation is an intermittent irrigation irrigation technique, which constitutes a water-saving irrigation pattern that does not alternate with wetness, and is a shallow, wet, dry and flexible survey section. In the stage of rice transplanting and returning to greenery, shallow wet irrigation in shallow water for 2 weeks is maintained. The appropriate drying season is used for the period from the start of the cropping stage to the mating stage. The maturation of the planting stage will be dry and wet, and the water in the ripening stage will be dry and wet and wet. Not before the water, is a combination of promoting and controlling, timely irrigation nitrogen supply technology, rice and low water consumption, high yield and stable production.
Promote the mechanism of shallow and wet irrigation technologies to increase production:
1. Prevent rice roots and premature aging and eliminate production obstacles.
2. Conforms to the water requirement law and requirements of rice, and it has made use of traditional flooding irrigation practices. That is to meet the physiological water demand of rice, save the ecological water demand, under the premise of ensuring the increase of production, reduce the irrigation quota, improve the economic benefits of irrigation water.
3. Make water, fertilizer, gas, heat and other factors get a reasonable adjustment, improve the soil fertility, and create a good environment for the Water Commission.
4. Facilitate the transformation of various yield components and high yield directions. Can promote the improvement of the water committee's reproductive traits, effective delivery rate, strong stalks, and lodging.
5. Improve the body structure of rice plants and the microclimate in the field, which will help control and reduce pests and diseases.
6. The promotion of water-saving cultivation of shallow wet and dry water is a need for the development of rice production and is a long-term solution.
The benefits of shallow, wet, dry intermittent irrigation are:
1. To increase the production efficiency of irrigation water, with 400-450 cubic meters of water for shallow wet mu, 550-600 kg for mu, and 1.3 kg of rice for 1 cubic meter of water. In flood irrigation, the amount of mu and water is 560-700 cubic meters, and the yield per mu is 510-550 kg. The production efficiency of water is about 0.9.
2. The condition of paddy fields has been improved. The accumulated temperature of paddy fields has been increased. According to the survey, the temperature of water from transplanting to mature fields increased by 76.2-165.2, and the accumulated temperature of soil increased by 63.5.
The temperature of the soil temperature in paddy fields varies greatly. Fertility period field soil temperature: wet temperature difference 6.4-7.3, water flooding only 5-6. Temperature difference between day and night: Wet irrigation is 4.2-4.6, and flood irrigation is 3.8-4.0. Large changes in soil temperature can promote childbirth as soon as possible. The temperature difference between day and night from heading to milk ripening in the late growth period is 2.6-3.1 in temperate irrigation and 1.6-1.7 in flooding irrigation. The shallow wet irrigation has high temperature, which is beneficial to photosynthesis. The large temperature difference between day and night is favorable for dry matter accumulation. The shallow wet irrigation is good and the flooding light is insufficient.
3. The fertility traits of rice are improved to enhance the vitality of roots. The test results showed that the absorption capacity of shallow wet irrigation roots was 1.33 times that of flood irrigation. Increased root activity is the material basis for growth above the shoot and formation of yield.
Improve delivery and effective delivery. According to the survey, under the same conditions, the number of tillers per plant was 4.15 for wet irrigation, 3.68 for shallow irrigation, and 3.4 for deep-water irrigation. The shallow wet irrigation has strong tillering ability, and the peak of tillering is increased by 4-5 days, and the effective delivery rate is 13% higher.
Promote birth transformation. Experiments have shown that wet irrigation can promote the conversion of rice from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. In the reproductive growth straight area index is high, there are many functional leaves, more than one tiller, and a large root to crown ratio. In the milk ripening period, the starch and cellulose content in the shallow wet irrigation increased, and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen increased, creating conditions for high yield.
It is beneficial to improve the growth pattern of rice plants. The roots of shallow wet irrigation develop well, with more fibrous roots and more root hairs; the root absorption function is good. Basal internodes are short, straight and hard, with coordinated growth of stems and leaves, and not lodging.
Helps increase production. Compared with shallow irrigation, long-term submerged irrigation increased grain number per panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. Such as Li You 57 shallow wet irrigation 146, long-term submerged 108 grains; seed setting rate were 91.14% and 90.17%; 1000 kg plus 1 g; yield 14.0%.

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