Health care or healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings. Healthcare is delivered by health professionals (providers or practitioners) in allied health fields. Physicians and physician associates are a part of these health professionals. Dentistry, midwifery, nursing, medicine, optometry, audiology, pharmacy, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy and other health professions are all part of healthcare. It includes work done in providing primary care, secondary care, and tertiary care, as well as in public health.
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1 Grasp the primary selection in the litter of the weaned fox, mainly based on the primary performance of the parental production performance. Requires mother foxes to have early maternity and farrowing; Aberdeen foxes have fast growth and high survival rate. The Silver Fox's young male fox request was born before April 5. The female fox request was born before April 10; the blue fox request was born before May 20. Aberdeen Fox retained more than plans to stay 30% to 40%. Adult male foxes are selected after the breeding period, and those foxes with poor breeding ability and poor semen quality should be eliminated in time. The selection of adult female foxes is carried out after fox-breeding foxes, and foxes are selected for breeding. Silver foxes have more than 5 litters, and blue foxes have more than 8 litters), strong maternality, high milking power, normal suckling foxes, and early estrus (silver foxes in February and blue foxes in March) Used, and then eliminated.
2 The general election is usually conducted from the end of September to the beginning of October. At this time, the growth and development of young foxes have been basically established. Based on the primary selection, multiple selections are to be conducted. Individuals with normal growth, strong physique, good plush quality, large body size, and early hair replacement should be selected, reared in groups, and cultivated in a targeted manner. . Individuals with poor growth, frequent illness, and late hair replacement should be eliminated. Adult foxes with poor physical recovery and frequent illnesses are eliminated. More than 20% to 25% of species should be reserved for the election.
3 Do a good job of picking before taking the skin. Select and eliminate the selected fox again. According to the individual quality, parental records and descendants of quality, and measure the quality of fur, strict retention of election, the elimination of undesirable requirements. Select 10% to 20% more than planned, so as to facilitate supplementation due to accidental loss of breeding animals or sale of breeding animals.
In general, the large-scale fox farms generally adopt the method of group selection, that is, selecting good foxes with good quality of fur, high reproductive performance, resistance to roughage, and strong disease resistance from some of the best populations (cultivation core groups) to enrich other qualities. This is the only way to improve the quality of the entire population.
The age composition of the foxes is closely related to reproductive ability. Normally, the female foxes have 2 to 4 years of fertility rate and litter size, and they are relatively stable. The fertility of the female foxes over 5 years is declining, and the seedlings of 2 to 3 years old are male. The ability of the fox to breed is strong, and the ability to match male foxes for more than 4 years has shown a downward trend. Therefore, 2 to 4 years of fox accounted for 70% to 80%, when the foetus accounted for 20% to 30%, so that in order to ensure stable production and high yield.
The selection of foxes to stay in order to achieve three catch
The selection of foxes has a direct impact on the production of the following year. For this reason, according to the practice experience of farmers in Dalian Pulandian City, foxes have to conduct 3 seed selections each year. Therefore, foxes should be selected for seedling retention. Grab the primary election, pick up the election, pick the best selection.