For our uv light application
1.The uv light use for HVAC system
This products emits germicidal ultraviolet(UV-C) lights to help disinfect the cooling coil,drain pan,and internal surfaces of HVAC systems for improved indoor air quality.,also use for applications in the food processing and beverage industries as well as medical and laboratory sterilization applications.
2.The uv light use in kitchen
Ultraviolet (UV) treatment is also being incorporated into new kitchen ventilation
design. UV light breaks down grease molecules into smaller harmless compounds
carbon dioxide and water vapor, which are carried out with the exhaust airflow.
Mainly use High Ozone UV Lamp, we have GPH1630T5VH/HO
3.The uv light use in water treatment.
UV Light Application UV Light Application, HVAC UV System, UV Lamp in kitchen, Air Purifier UV Fixture, Water Treatment UV System Ningbo Sunfine UV lighting Co.,ltd. ,
UV Light Application
The two types of feed are different and the farmers are confused
With the development of the rural aquaculture industry, the role of feed in the aquaculture industry has become more and more important. Now, to the majority of farmers, we will introduce the differences between aquatic feed and livestock feed for everyone's reference in production. First, the raw material smashing fineness different livestock and poultry feed raw material requirements all through 8 mesh, 16 mesh sieve tops shall not exceed 20%; while aquatic feed raw materials require all pass 40 mesh, 60 mesh sieve tops shall not exceed 10%. Second, the stability of the water Different livestock and poultry live on land, its compound feed has no requirement for water stability. Aquatic animals live in water and aquafeeds should be able to remain in water for a period of time without breaking. Third, the shape of the feed is different Animal feed is generally powdered, and sometimes made into pellets in order to save feed, but it is not required. The feeding mode of fish is swallowing. The feeding mode of shrimps and crabs is feeding. Therefore, the aquafeed must be made into pellets (the carp feed and turtle feed are powdery). Fourth, the requirements for the composition of feed nutrients Different aquatic animals are temperature-changing animals, do not need to consume energy to maintain body temperature; aquatic animals live in water, due to the buoyancy of water, only a small amount of energy is needed to maintain the fish in the water layer Suitable location. The required energy for aquatic animals is 50%-70% of livestock and poultry, which makes aquatic animals different in matter metabolism and energy metabolism from livestock and poultry, and also has significant differences in feed utilization efficiency. Aquatic animals need more protein in compound feeds, and their protein requirement is 2-4 times that of livestock. Aquatic animals do not use free amino acids in feed as well as livestock. The utilization of hydroxyl amino acids in fish is only 20% of L-methionine utilization, while the utilization of hydroxyl amino acids in livestock and poultry can reach 80%. Essential fatty acids required for livestock and poultry are mainly n-6 series fatty acids such as linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. Aquatic animals require n-3 series of unsaturated fatty acids such as linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. The 15 vitamins required by aquatic animals are the same as the vitamins needed by livestock and poultry, but the importance and demand of various vitamins are different. Aquatic animals have a small number of bacterial species in the intestine and relatively few vitamins synthesized by intestinal microbes. Vitamin C synthesized in the gut of livestock and poultry generally meets their normal physiological needs. There is little or no synthesis of vitamin C in the intestine of aquatic animals. In order to ensure its normal growth, vitamin C must be added to the feed. Aquatic animal feed has higher protein and fat content and more vitamin B6, nicotinamide, and vitamin E than livestock and poultry. Aquatic animals can effectively absorb calcium from water and the demand for vitamin D is not as sensitive as livestock and poultry. The biggest difference between aquatic animals and livestock in mineral metabolism is that aquatic animals can absorb some inorganic salts from water. The types and amounts of inorganic salts in aquafeeds differ greatly from the types and amounts of inorganic salts in livestock feed. Aquatic animals can effectively use the calcium in the water, do not need to add calcium salt in the feed or only add a small amount of calcium salt in some special aquatic feeds; and the calcium elements needed for livestock and poultry growth come from the feed completely and must be in the feed Add enough calcium salt.