Plant extracts refer to substances extracted or processed from plants (all or a part of plants) using appropriate solvents or methods, and can be used in the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, daily chemical industry and other industries.
There is a conceptual overlap between plant extracts and herbal extracts. The raw materials of plant extracts in my country are mainly derived from Chinese herbal medicines, so domestic plant extracts can also be called Chinese medicine extracts to some extent.
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Summer caged laying hens prevent sunstroke and increase production
It has been proved that the suitable temperature range for laying hens is 13-25°C. When the ambient temperature exceeds 30°C, the chickens feel uncomfortable and in a state of heat stress. The wells produce a series of physiological changes and are accompanied by body temperature. When the temperature rises to 37.5°C, the egg production decreases sharply; when the temperature rises above 43°C, more than 3 hours, the chicken will die. In the summer, the climate is hot and the rain is getting more and more, which will have a series of adverse effects on the health and production of caged laying hens. Mainly manifested as reduced feed intake, increased drinking water, rapid breathing, increased body temperature, reduced body resistance to disease, decreased digestion and absorption of nutrients, reduced egg production, reduced egg weight, and decreased egg quality. Especially when the high temperature is accompanied by high humidity, the effect on the flock is greater. It has been proved that the suitable temperature range for laying hens is 13-25°C. When the ambient temperature exceeds 30°C, the chickens feel uncomfortable, are in a state of heat stress, and produce a series of physiological changes, accompanied by body temperature. When the temperature rises to 37.5°C, the egg production decreases sharply; when the temperature rises above 43°C, more than 3 hours, the chicken will die. Therefore, in order to ensure the health and production of caged laying hens in summer, comprehensive technical measures should be taken from various aspects such as feeding and management. Strengthen management Increase ventilation Ventilation in summer can reduce the temperature and ensure fresh air. With a mechanically ventilated coop, the fan is fully opened so that the maximum ventilation rate is 9.35 m3 per kilogram of body weight per hour. If the coop is too long (more than 70 m), a relay fan may be installed in the middle. Pay attention to ventilation, close the doors and windows on both sides, and all the air inlets corresponding to the exhaust fan are opened; in a naturally ventilated chicken house, doors and windows should be fully opened, but there should be screens and screen doors to prevent mosquitoes and flies. Evaporative cooling in the case of high temperature and low humidity (usually less than 70% relative humidity), can take wet curtain, spray, roof spray water evaporation cooling method. The cooling of the wet curtain is to install a wet curtain on one end of the long axis of the house and the other end to install the exhaust fan. After opening the exhaust fan, the forced air enters the chicken house through the wet curtain with circulating water. This cooled air blows to the chicken body, which can achieve the purpose of cooling down (generally reducing the indoor temperature by 5 to 8°C). Spray cooling is the use of high pressure or low pressure spray system on the direct spray of the chicken body, the water mist will absorb part of the heat, to achieve the purpose of short-term cooling. The roof of the house is sprayed with water directly, and the lost water will take away the heat from the roof to achieve the purpose of cooling. The use of evaporative cooling is currently a good way to reduce temperature, but it should be noted that when using a wet curtain to cool, there should be open and close air inlets near the wet curtain, when the humidity exceeds 70%, close the wet curtain, enable Ventilation into the air inlet, otherwise, the consequences can be disastrous; house spray cooling is a short-term behavior, when the temperature is too high, humidity is low, in order to avoid the death of chickens, can be applied for a short time, spray time is too long, not only can not play cooling The role will also increase the humidity of the henhouse and increase the difficulty of heat dissipation. The excessive accumulation of excrement manure in a timely manner will, on the one hand, increase the humidity in the house and, on the other hand, produce a large amount of heat and harmful gases due to fermentation and increase the temperature. Therefore, the use of mechanical excrement chicken farms to ensure that once a day excrement; artificial excrement, but also not more than 3 days. Reduce the heat radiation white and some special reflective materials, can reduce the heat absorption, so the roof, walls can be painted white or covered with reflective material, but also in the 30 to 50 cm from the roof of the house shade net. Strengthen Feed Supply Standing Clean Drinking Water The chicken has no sweat glands. Under the high temperature environment, the main method of heat dissipation is respiratory evaporation and heat dissipation. By increasing the respiratory frequency, exhale a lot of water and take away heat from the body. Experiments have shown that chickens drink about 250-300 ml of water per day at 20°C, and when raised to 35°C, the amount of drinking water soars to 500-600 ml. Therefore, in order to ensure heat dissipation, the hot summer season must ensure sufficient cool drinking water. Adequate drinking water can also ensure that the chicken absorbs heat from the head when drinking water down, which is conducive to cooling. Adjust the feeding program in the summer morning and evening temperature is low, the chickens appetite is strong, should increase the amount of feeding, and appropriate early feeding and postponed the time of night feeding, in order to ensure feed intake. Adjusting dietary nutrient levels Under high-temperature conditions, the intake of chickens is reduced and the energy intake is insufficient. At the same time, the respiratory rate increases and the energy consumption increases. In order to ensure the energy supply of chickens, the energy level in the diet must be increased. In actual production, 1% to 3% fat is often added to the diet to increase energy. At the same time, the palatability of the feed can be improved, and the feed circulation rate in the gastrointestinal tract can be reduced, thereby improving the digestion and absorption of the chicken and improving the production performance. In high temperature conditions, the use of fat instead of the energy of carbohydrates can significantly improve the performance of heat-stress chickens, but pay attention to prevent fat oxidation, rancidity. Some people advocate raising the protein level in the diet during the high temperature season. However, it has been proved that although the increase in protein levels can compensate for the reduction in protein intake caused by insufficient feed intake, the heat generated by protein metabolism increases more and more. It is easy to cause the increase of harmful gases such as ammonia. Therefore, I believe that the appropriate level of protein in feeds should be reduced, supplemented with essential amino acids in an appropriate amount to reduce the heat increase in the process of protein utilization, reduce the generation of ammonia in the home, and be more favorable to chickens under high temperature environment. A large number of tests on feeding additives showed that a variety of feed additives have a significant effect on alleviating the effects of high temperature on chickens. Among them, commonly used vitamin C, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride and so on. In the high-temperature environment of vitamin C supplementation, the secretion of corticosteroids increases dramatically, and vitamin C is an essential factor in the synthesis of corticosteroids; vitamin C is also an essential component in the synthesis of carnitine, and carnitine is an essential metabolism for energy supply. Factors, heat stress, the chicken's energy consumption increases, the amount of carnitine needed to increase; vitamin C can increase feed intake, improve eggshell quality and other functions. Therefore, in order to ensure the normal physiological metabolism and production performance of chickens, vitamin C can be added to the feed at high temperature. Under normal circumstances, adding 100 to 200 mg of vitamin C per kilogram of feed before the chicken's drinking water increases and feed intake decreases, the effect is significant. Add NaHCO3, NH4Cl high temperature environment, due to increase in respiratory frequency, a large number of CO2 excreted, so that the blood concentration of HCO3-lower, increased alkaline, breaking the body's normal acid-base balance, causing respiratory alkalosis. The addition of NaHCO3 actually increases the bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) concentration, increases the blood's buffering capacity, and reduces the respiratory alkalosis. NaHCO3 has a stomachic and appetite-increasing effect and can improve the chicken's ability to resist heat stress. Add 0.5% NaHCO3 to drinking water. The use of NaH-CO3 and NH4Cl together is more effective. NH4Cl has a sedative effect and increases the chloride ion, which can reduce the pH value slightly increased by the addition of NaHCO3. Supplementing NH4Cl in diet or drinking water can significantly lower the blood pH, which can relieve the respiratory alkalosis that occurs during heat stress. Normally, 0.3% NaHCO3-+0.6%-0.8% NH4Cl is added to the feed. Addition of other feed ingredients in high temperature environment, due to large amounts of drinking water, leading to increased urine output, some trace elements with the urine. Therefore, supplementing appropriate amounts of mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chromium, and other cofactors in metabolic processes have a certain role in relieving heat stress and improving egg quality. The above-mentioned purpose is usually achieved by using supplemental electrolytes in production. In addition, adding appropriate amounts of bacitracin zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, citric acid and the like can all reduce the influence of high temperature on the health and production performance of laying hens. Under the high temperature environment for disease prevention, the increase of corticosterone levels in chickens leads to a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, an increase in heterophils, and a decrease in immune function. The antibodies should be monitored regularly to prevent disease. In short, comprehensive measures should be taken to ensure the health and production of caged laying hens in the hot season.