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After picking the kiwifruit in the late autumn, the tree needs to be rested and cultivated to enhance the resistance to overwintering. After falling leaves, it should be combined with deep turning, pruning, removing litter, weeds and spraying pesticides to achieve effective control.
The main diseases of kiwifruit, winter pathogens are in dormant period, parasitic in diseased branches, fallen leaves, rotten fruit, can be combined with the winter cut, remove the diseased branches, branches, leaves, fallen leaves, fruit drop, deep buried or incinerated. This can effectively eliminate pathogenic bacteria such as canker, leaf blight, and black spot, and reduce the source of infection.
The control of root-knot nematodes can be combined with deep plowing before winter, and the diseased roots and fine root masses of 5 to 15 cm of topsoil of the diseased plants can be excavated to remove the diseased bodies, reduce the pathogens, and reduce the damage.
Root rot can be harmed by wounds caused by underground pests, earthworms, and other hazards. Therefore, soil pharmacy treatment can be combined with deep plowing to eliminate its underground larvae and pupae. The use of 3% carbofuran per acre for soil treatment 3 to 5 kilograms, can eliminate the root-knot nematode, but also eliminate the underground pests, reduce the wintering base of pests, greatly reduce the damage in the coming year.
The kiwifruit garden with severe ulcer disease is based on the combination of winter cutting gardens, and it is generally sprayed with 1 to 2 times of Baume Liquid with 0.3-0.5 Baume degrees and 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture for comprehensive prevention and treatment.
Scale insects mostly live on tree stems and twigs. In the winter, rags, grass handles, bamboo brushes and other tools can be used to wipe out dense overwhelming insect sources, reducing the number of insects in the coming year. The twigs on the shoots can be removed in conjunction with winter shears.
The leafhoppers and stink bugs in the weeds and dead leaves can lay their eggs overwintering or adult overwintering. They can combine with the clean garden and eradicate the weeds, concentrate deep or incinerate, and eliminate overwintering adults and eggs.
In combination with the pruning of the clear garden in winter, eradicating weeds, and deep-sweeping the soil, a comprehensive prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is targeted to achieve targeted results and obtain the best control effect.
Prevention and Treatment of Winter Pests and Diseases in Kiwifruit Garden
With the expansion of kiwifruit cultivation area and fruit-bearing area, the occurrence and harm of pests and diseases have become more and more serious. Prevention and control of winter diseases and pests in kiwifruit gardens can achieve a multiplier effect in promoting the transformation of tree vigor, the control of pests and diseases in spring and summer, and the robust growth of kiwifruit trees. According to the survey conducted by our station in recent years, the main diseases found in kiwifruit are: canker, bacterial flower rot, root knot nematode, root rot, leaf blight, and black spot. Insect pests mainly include gold tortoise shells, spotted wax moths, stink bugs, small salamanders, red spiders, peach aphids, leafhoppers, and pods.