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Sweet potato storage period for the rotten pit?
In the storage of sweet potatoes, the main reason for the occurrence of rotten pits is the "five pests and one deficiency," namely: 1. Cold damage. Chilling damage refers to the fact that the potato block is under 9°C for a long time, potassium ions are infiltrated, the normal concentration of cells cannot be maintained, and the oxidative phosphorylation of the cells is affected, and the metabolic activity of the potato block is damaged. Another reason is that the cellar is poorly insulated or poorly kept and suffers cold damage. 2, frozen injury. Freezing damage means that when the temperature drops to -1.3 to 2°C, the cells inside the potato block freeze up in the intercellular space, causing the destruction of the tissue. After the potato block is chilled and frozen, it will easily cause the invasion of the bacteria, resulting in massive rot of the potato block. 3, wet damage. Wet damage occurs more often in pits. At the beginning of storage, the outside temperature is high, and the potato block is vigorously breathing. The moisture inside the potato pile rises. When the surface of the potato pile is cold, it condenses into water droplets, and the epidermis potato block is rotted by dampness. 4, damage. The damage is caused by the low moisture content in the cellar, the loss of water in the plasm of cells, the physiological atrophy, the abnormal activity of the enzyme, the accelerated respiratory rate, the rapid decomposition of organic matter, the weak resistance, and the tendency to become bored or ulcerated. 5, disease. The diseases caused by sweetpotato during storage are mainly four kinds of black spot, soft rot, dry rot and nematode. The occurrence of diseases is mainly because the old cellar has not been completely disinfected; Diseased, broken, and cold-resistant tubers are stored in the pit; poor management during storage can cause disease to spread and spread. "One deficiency." It is oxygen deficiency. Because the cellar is too early or the storage capacity of the tuber is too large, the respiration of the tuber is strengthened, and the oxygen in the cellar is reduced. When the carbon dioxide reaches 4% to 5%, the respiration is inhibited and the tuber is rotted due to lack of oxygen. .