The cultivation and management techniques of Banlangen

The original plant is indigo, its root is Banlangen, and its leaf is Daqingye. It is a cross-species family, indigo belongs to the root and leaves. It has the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling and removing plaque. Treatment of influenza, epidemic encephalitis, epidemic parotitis, sore throat, fire eyes, pneumonia, erysipelas, and rash. Plant morphology: Biennial herb, high 40-90cm, slender roots, cylindrical, grayish yellow skin. Basal leaves oblong, stipitate; stem leaves oblong to oblong lanceolate, semiamplexicaul, flowering in May, fruiting in June. Growth habits: Strong adaptability, cold and drought tolerance, strict requirements on soil, general soil can be planted. Hi loose, fertile, moist sandy loam, easy to rot in low-lying water. Cultivation and management techniques: 1. Planting: seed propagation, spring and summer sowing can be. Spring sowing in early April and summer sowing in June. According to the row spacing 20cm ditch, ditch depth 1 ~ 1.5cm, the seeds are evenly sowed into the ditch, covering the soil a little repression, keep the soil moist, at the temperature of 18 ~ 20 °C, after about 7 days to emerge, acres sown seeds 2~3kg. 2. Cultivated weeding: timely cultivating and weeding after emergence, so that the normal growth of seedlings, 2 to 3 times a year. Miao Miao: Seedling height 3 ~ 5cm time seedlings, weak to stay strong; seedlings about 10cm high, according to the spacing of 5 ~ 8cm seedlings. 3, top dressing: spring sowing in late May to early June, summer sowing in late July to early August, per acre topdressing manure 1000kg or topdressing ammonium sulfate 10kg, plus superphosphate 12kg, mixed Shun Between the rows to open the ditch, buried watering. 4. Diseases and pests control: Diseases are caused by downy mildew on leaves, white or off-white mildew on the back of leaves, and yellow leaves when severe. At the beginning of the disease, 50% of the bacterium was sprayed to control 1000 times of the spray. Insect pests have cabbage butterfly. In May, larvae damage the leaves. In June, the damage was severe. Bio-pesticides BT emulsion can be used, spraying 100-150 g per mu or 90% trichlorfon 800 times. 5, harvesting and processing: Spring sowing leaves twice, the first time in June is a ten days, choose the eye, about 5cm from the ground, cut from the base, thinly spread a layer, one day dried as well; second In late August, the big green leaves can be dried and packaged. In October, root the roots, dig 30-60cm deep trenches with a spade, and then dig the roots along the trenches, shake off the dirt, cut off the base leaves, and dry them into medicine. About 300kg per mu dry goods. It is better to use a dry, uniform root strip, neat, white, and powdery feet. Daqingye has about 200kg of dried leaves per mu. It is better to have large, less broken, clean, dark green, and mildew-free leaves.

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