Fudan University: Revealing the Mechanism of Severe H7N9 Infection

Fudan University: Revealing the Mechanism of Severe H7N9 Infection

March 27, 2018 Source: Chinese Journal of Science

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The team led by Xu Jianqing, a professor of biomedical research at Fudan University/Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, found that acute severe influenza such as H7N9 can cause CD8+ T cell function depletion, thus affecting the recovery of influenza infection. Related results were published in the journal Nature-Communication.

The newly discovered avian-derived recombinant influenza virus H7N9 has a high morbidity, serious condition and high mortality rate (more than 40%), which has caused global concern. A preliminary study by Xu Jianqing's team found that death cases could not produce effective interferon-secreting T cells, but the mechanism was not clear.

The latest study found that highly activated CD8+ T cells in the H7N9-infected death group persisted in the peripheral blood and maintained a high proportion, while the recovery group gradually decreased after reaching the peak in the early stage of infection. Seasonal flu (Influenza A H1N1, H3N2, and Influenza B) show the same pattern. This is the first demonstration that abnormally high levels of CD8+ T cells in infected individuals are associated with severe disease/death in avian influenza virus infection.

The researchers observed the antiviral CD8+ T cells at different time points in the rehabilitation group and found that the CD8+ T cell receptor diversity did not change significantly during H7N9 infection, and also correlated with the anti-viral CD8+T in the healthy control group. There was no significant difference in cell receptor diversity, indicating that CD8+ T cells carrying different T cell receptors were fully amplified in the infected group.

Related experts said that the study further revealed the mechanism of H7N9 infection leading to severe disease, and showed that the use of vaccine technology to activate anti-influenza T cells is an effective way to prevent the seriousness of avian influenza infection. (Reporter Huang Xin)

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