Advances in research on changes in morphology and surface markers during hemoglobin production

There have been a lot of studies on the process of red blood cell production, but there has been a lack of systematic research: especially for cell surface marker changes, cell number changes, red blood cell enucleation process, and reticulocyte morphological changes in the process.

Yang Zuli from the research group of Zhejiang University of Technology, Zhang Shifu, conducted a comprehensive and systematic study on this issue.

The Fried's virus anemia virus is injected into the mouse, and then the red blood cell-like cells in the mouse spleen are assimilated into the original red blood cells and have the differentiation ability. Then, the cells were cultured with EPO-containing cell culture medium and the development process was observed: basophilic erythroblasts were mainly produced within 12h~24h; multicolor erythrocytes were mainly formed at 36h; positive color erythrocytes and reticulocytes were mainly produced in 48h~60h.

Within the corresponding time node, a series of new findings have been confirmed: the nucleus of multicolor cells will be phagocytized after 7-8 hours; the expression of CD71 and Ter119 will be higher than that of mature red blood cells; the corresponding stathmin, septin8 and RBBP4 cells Skeletal-related protein expression is much reduced. Observing the detailed red blood cell maturation process will bring more cognition in the blood cell field, and have a deeper understanding of red blood cell differentiation and carcinogenesis.

Countstar was used in experiments to determine cell diameter changes and cell proliferation.

The chart below is the result of using a Countstar cell counter. The Countstar Cell Counter provides stable and reliable data.

Want to learn more about the story of red blood cell maturation? Please check the article:

The Time-Dependent Morphological Alteration and Enucleation Process during the Differentiation of Mammalian Erythroid Cells

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