Papaya sowing seedling raising technology

(I) Seed and seed treatment

Papaya is usually propagated with seeds. The fruits used for seed retention should be harvested after being cooked for more than half of the time. After ripening and turning yellow, the seed is removed and the film on the outside of the seeds is removed and washed.

Before sowing, seeds should be disinfected with 500-fold solution of pesticide thiophanate-methyl, washed and then soaked in 1% baking soda for 4 to 5 hours to increase the germination rate. Remove and wash with clean water, that is, placed in a constant temperature box at 32 °C germination, when the seed coat crack open to see white when sowing.

(b) sowing

Sowing can be done from March to early November. In recent years, in order to reduce the threat of mosaic disease to papaya production, more reforms have been implemented in cultivation and adoption of the Dongyu spring migration method. The suitable period for winter sowing is from mid-October to early November. Should pay attention to cold, can take the plastic film cover to cover insulation. Seeding methods can be drilled or broadcast. Before sowing, the seedbed or sowing box is best mixed with decomposed manure or waste soil, which not only can supply the seed nutrient needs after germination, but also can keep the soil loose, aerated and moist.

(III) Seedling Management

Seed emergence 10 to 20 days after sowing. After emergence, pay attention to pulling weak seedlings and keep the soil moist, but avoid excessive humidity. When the seedlings grow 2 to 3 true leaves, the water should be properly controlled to promote root growth and prevent leggy. When four leaves are reached, decomposing thin urine (1:10) can be started and applied once every 15 days. Seedlings are more susceptible to freezing injury and disease before they grow five leaves. Management must be strengthened. After five leaves are grown, it is necessary to carry out the hardening of seedlings to control the supply of fertilizer and water to promote the development of the root system and prevent stem and leaf growth. The next spring can be transplanted after planting.

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