1, according to the clinical symptoms, initially diagnosed as productive shock, should be immediately organized rescue, if rescued too late, can cause the death of the cow. 2. The principle of saving productive shock cows: quickly identify the causes of shock, and eliminate the cause, immediately open the intravenous access, cardiac, fluid, and maintain the effective circulating blood flow of diseased cattle. 3. If the shock is caused by a painful (painful) reaction, the unpleasant factors should be immediately relieved. If the shock is caused by ruptured uterus and excessive blood loss, the hemostasis should be taken immediately. Under conditions, transfusions, oxygen delivery, fluid replacement (dextran, glucose saline) may be considered. Heart adrenal glands can be used or digitalis, with vitamin C, calcium preparation treatment, if the shock develops to a certain stage, should pay attention to acidosis, timely adjustment of acid-base balance, intravenous antibiotics. Through the above-mentioned measures, the shock will be terminated at the fastest speed to save the life of the diseased cow. Shenzhen Bonliter Optoelectronic Co., Ltd. , https://www.beautyredlight.com