Watermelon high density scaffolding cultivation is a new technology in the recent two, more common in greenhouse cultivation reports. I have carried out simplified experiments on high-density scaffolding and conventional land-covering cultivation in open cultivation fields this spring and have succeeded. Now I have introduced the advantages of high-density cultivation and several issues that should be noted as follows: First, fewer diseases: After using the scaffolding technology, the melon vines developed into the air, the microclimate environment changed, and the occurrence of the disease was less, later, and lighter. In the same field, the conventional land-covered melon field disease occurred early and heavy. Despite drug control, there were still dead leaves of the two-ply melon fields. The above phenomena did not occur in the cultivated fields. Second, the yield is high: The yield of watermelon is composed of the number of plants per acre multiplied by the average number of cucumbers per plant multiplied by the average weight of single melons. Third, the natural pollination rate is extremely high: After the flowering of the cultivated cucurbits, the male pollen can be naturally pollinated with the wind. The test field has planted 10 seedless melons, no worker pollination, and each plant has two or more melons. . However, the conventionally cultivated 230 Meigui strains had only 181 plants. Fourth, the economic efficiency is optimistic: the use of scaffolding cultivation technology to implement high-density cultivation, yield doubled, only increase input 12 working days and the amount of scaffolding materials and compound fertilizer, one acre of land can be equivalent to the past two acres of land production. Increased land utilization and good economic returns. V. Precautions: 1 In time, the nets should be placed in the hanging baskets, and the cultivated fields must be held before the watermelons reach the end of the net. Otherwise, the melons will be easily injured until they fall. Li Bao watermelon large, well-proportioned. Sterile Vacuum Vials are used for allergist,mixing injectable products or nuclear medicine, PET-CT, Liquid collection.Sterile vacuum vials are produced by aluminum caps, non-latex butyl stoppers and SCHOTT Neutral Type I glass vials. They are approved by cGMP and FDA with internally sterile.The production process is carried out under strict Class 100 workshop. Finished vials can meet the FDA`s authorised 14-day sterility test. Sterile Vacuum Vials Sterile Vacuum Glass Vials,Sterile Evacuated Vials,Sterile Evacuated Glass Vials China Lemon Trading Co.,Ltd , https://www.lemonvial.com
Due to the nature of the species, there will not be any major changes in the weight of the individual squash, and the number of single-seedlings will be controlled within two, and as the planting density increases, it means an increase in yield, when the planting density doubles, The output will double again.
2 Density: It depends on the type of melon, single melon cultivar with a weight over 6 kg, about 1200 plants per acre, medium and small melon varieties can be increased to 1500 to 1700, but inconvenient field management is too dense. Too thin and waste man-hours for scaffolding and scaffolding.
3 Because of the high density and the impact of the scaffold, it is inconvenient to apply the fertilizer to the field. It should be changed to a single application of the base fertilizer. It is advisable to apply topdressing fertilizer with water and fertilizer during growth.