First, shorten the rough material, wash, ammoniation treatment: The coarse material should be …
One, nitrogen deficiency disease 1. Symptoms generally begin when there is a deficiency of…
There are three basic principles that should be mastered in the scientific application of …
1. Selection of varieties and determination of sowing date:
The carrots in the off…
The quality of breeding boars has a great influence on their offspring. As the saying goes: â…
Zizixiao Litchi is a Guangdong medium-early-ripening fine variety. Its fruit is large, fle…
Remove fat membranes and tendons from the mutton and cut them into strips. Per 100 kg of l…
To avoid cold, a duck house should be built in a leeward, sunny, high-stem and dry place, …
There are three reasons for the heavy cracking of bagged apples:
First, the cause of appl…
First, the cause of appl…